Alphabet Notes(アルファベットのメモ)
Love the spacing between the vowels!
A: Strong start!
BCD, FG: Decent consonants but no real heavy hitters here in the first third ("D" is solid, at least)
(BCD、FG:まともな子音だが、最初の3分の1では大ヒットはない(少なくとも "D "はしっかりしている)。)
HI: Hi!
ij: The dotted letters are friends!
JK: JK (lol)
LMNOP: Part that's fun to sing
Weird how the line between "M" and "N" is the halfway mark.
They're similar, but "MN" only shows up in fancy words like "mnemonic", "column", "amnesty", and "hymn". significance??
NO: No
Q: Why is this here?
RST: Strong cluster!
U: Weirdest of the main 5 vowels by far
VWXYZ: Haunted letters (keep out!!)
VW: ??
X: Not sure this is even a letter. Did you include a number by mistake?
Maybe we should've stopped at "T".
Design notes on the alphabet
Alt-text: Listen, you're very cute, but if you rearrange the alphabet to put U and I together it will RUIN the spacing!