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Heat Pump - ヒートポンプ


Heat Pump(ヒートポンプ)




Manual heat pumps are such a pain.

Alt-text: If I'm not going to upgrade to a powered one, I should at LEAST stop leaving the door open so often.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Making Plans - 計画を立てる


Making Plans(計画を立てる)

男: Tonight is pub trivia with Annie and Beth.
男: And tomorrow Alex and I are seeing a movie. I also invited Andrew and Amy but I haven't heard back.

I'm realizing I should really switch to sorting my phone contacts by most recent.

Alt-text: Oh no, I haven't checked in with Yvonne in YEARS.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Musical Scales - 音楽スケール


Musical Scales(音楽スケール)

When transcribing music, remember to put frequency on a log scale and time on a linear one, not the other way around.

Alt-text: In the Hall of the Mountain King was accidentally composed on log/log paper.
 (「In the Hall of the Mountain King」は、偶然にも対数/対数の紙で作曲された。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Iceberg - 氷山



欄外の声: But then how did it interact with the ordinary baryonic matter in the Titanic's hull?

Normal Matter(通常物質)
Dark Matter(暗黒物質)

My hobbyu: Refusing to understand the iceberg metaphor

Alt-text: 90% of the iceberg is hidden beneath the water, but that 90% only uses 10% of its brain, so it's really only 9%.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

UFO Evidence - UFOの証拠


UFO Evidence(UFOの証拠)

白ハット: You scientists aren't willing to take my UFO evidence seriously!

男: I once spent a whole day trying to confirm the existence of a director's cut of Cats (2019) where the cats had anatomically correct CGI butts.

男: It's honestly embarrassing how fast I'd do a 180 if your evidence seemed promising.

Alt-text: [Decades in the future] "Well, the good news is that we've received definitive communication from aliens. The bad news is that they're asking about Cats (2019)."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。