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Down - 下



女: They announced that "down" is relative to mars today.

男: Ugh, I hate when they make another planet the coordinate system origin.

Alt-text: It's just that I get nervous about heights.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Frankenstein Claim Permutations - フランケンシュタインに関するクレームの順列


Frankenstein Claim Permutations(フランケンシュタインに関するクレームの順列)

Claim(クレーム) Notes(注釈)
"No, the monster in Mary Shelley's book is unnamed. Frankenstein is the doctor who created him."
This is the normal claim
"No, the monster in Mary Shelley's novel is named Frankenstein."
Also common, and not worth getting mad about IMO
"No, Frankenstein is the name of the author. The monster Mary Shelley created is unnamed."
At a glance this could pass for one of the normal claims
"No one knows who wrote the novel about Doctor Mary Shelley creating the monster Frankenstein."
I would read this book
"No, Frankenstein is the name of the doctor. The monster he created is Mary Shelley."
Fully chaotic(完全にカオス)
"No, the doctor who creates Mary Shelley in Frankenstein's novel doesn't have a name."

Alt-text: When I began trying to form a new claim by stitching together these parts in such an unnatural way, some called me mad.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Room Temperature - 室温


Room Temperature(室温)

男1: My layered silicon crystals can amplify or switch current while sitting right here on the table!
ポニーテール: Uh huh.
男2: I see.

No one is impressed by my discovery of room-temperature semiconductors.

Alt-text: They're also refusing to fund my device that demonstrates uncontrolled hot fusion.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Actual Progress - 実際の進捗状況


Actual Progress(実際の進捗状況)

男: When I started this morning, there were a few edge cases I was confused about.

男: But now after a full day of research,

男: I'm confused about all the regular cases, too.

ポニーテール: Ah, actual progress!

Alt-text: Slowly progressing from 'how do protons behave in relativistic collisions?' to 'what the heck are protons even doing when they're just sitting there?'


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Real Estate Analysis - 不動産分析


Real Estate Analysis(不動産分析)

Y軸: Walkability score
X軸: Proximity to shops and restaurants

After doing a real estate analysis, I get why this place is so popular.

Alt-text: Mars does get a good score on 'noise levels' and 'scenic views,' but the school district ranking isn't great; the only teacher--the Perseverance rover--is too busy with rock samples to teach more than the occasional weekend class.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。