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Tapetum Lucidum - タペタム ルシダム


Tapetum Lucidum(タペタム ルシダム)

攻撃中の船: Cats have a shiny layer behind their retina called the tapetum lucidum.
 (猫の網膜の裏には、「タペタム ルシダム」と呼ばれる光沢のある層がある。)
Pew pew pew
 (ぴゅん ぴゅん ぴゅん)

攻撃中の船: After light passes through the retina, this layer reflects it back through a second time.
Pew pew
 (ぴゅん ぴゅん)

攻撃中の船: This extra bounce gives photons another chance to interact with the retinal cells...

ビル・ナイ: ...Improving their night vision! Isn't science cool?

Caption: There's something extra infuriating about losing online games to Bill Nye.

Alt-text: Using a reflective wall in a game to give one shot two chances to hit is called a double-tapetum lucidum.
 (ゲーム中に反射する壁を使い、1つのショットに2回の命中チャンスを与えることを「ダブルタペタム ルシダム」と呼ぶ。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Overlapping Circles - 重複する円


Overlapping Circles(重複する円)

左: set theorists
右: astronomers
中央: people who get excited about this shape

Alt-text: "The Venn diagram of the sun and the moon is a circle." --someone being snarky at totality


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Definition of e - eの定義


Definition of e(eの定義)

生徒: Can you explain what the constant e actually means?
先生: Sure.
I have a bank account that pays 100% annual interest, compounded every minute.

If you deposit $1 now,

I will answer your question.

Alt-text: Yeah, my math teacher back in high school set up the system to try to teach us something or other, but the 100% rate was unbelievably good, so I engineered a hostile takeover of his bank and now use it to make extra cash on the side.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Recipe Relativity - レシピ相対性理論


Recipe Relativity(レシピ相対性理論)

Black bean burrito bowl
Total time: 35 minutes
My actual time: 1h 45m
I think this recipe author is moving past me at 94% of the speed of light.

Alt-text: It says to cut the onions into 1/4" slices, but I'd better correct for length contraction.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Helium Reserve - ヘリウム備蓄


Helium Reserve(ヘリウム備蓄)

役人: You were in charge of guarding the national helium reserve. So where did it go?!

Unfortunately, there's no good way for me to answer this question out loud.

Alt-text: The government has been trying to sell off the Federal Helium Reserve for a few years now, but the sale has been on hold while they try to figure out how to explain this situation to buyers.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。