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Typical Seating Chart - 典型的な座席表


Typical Seating Chart(典型的な座席表)

Typical Airliner Seating Chart(典型的な航空機座席表)


Please only pick these seats if you're a pilot

Main stage(メインステージ)
Mosh pit(モスピット)
Various fancy classes(様々な高級クラス)

Some airplane companies waste this space


Passenger has to pedal

Hole for trash


Extra middle seats

Bumper car seating


Extra legroom

Tail gunners (Must protect plane from pursuers but earn extra miles)

Fighter escort

Alt-text: Now that airlines have started adding wheel locks to their drink carts, less than half of flights have one accidentally fall out through the hole.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

X Value - Xの値


X Value(Xの値)

x = 4.1083

Big math news: They finally figured out the value of x.

Alt-text: The value of n is still unknown, but new results constrain it to fall between 8 and 10^500, ruling out popular 'n=1' and 'n=2' theories.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Decay Modes - 崩壊モデル


Decay Modes(崩壊モデル)

alpha decay(アルファ崩壊)
beta decay(ベータ崩壊)
gamma decay(ガンマ崩壊)
electron capture(電子捕獲)
positron emission(陽電子崩壊)
neutron emission(中性子崩壊)

Baryon panic(バリオンパニック)
Omega decay(オメガ崩壊)
Electron wilt(電子ウィルト)
One big nucleon(1つの大きな核子)
Fungal decay(真菌崩壊)
Collapse due to invasion by the Sea Peoples(海の民族による侵略による崩壊)

Alt-text: Unlike an Iron Age collapse, a Bronze Age collapse releases energy, since copper and tin are past the iron peak on the curve of binding energy.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

【Twitterまとめ 11/20~11/26】「お隣さん、こんにちは!」他 305ネタ


 この記事のカテゴリは、小ネタまとめ です。

Oceanography Gift - 海洋学ギフト


Oceanography Gift(海洋学ギフト)

男: Happy birthday!
男: I got you these water molecules.

10 years pass

女: Aww, thank you!

Global surface ocean connectivity times are ≤10 years (Jönsson & Watson, 2016, DOI:10.1038/ncomms11239), so if you're willing to plan ahead, you can pour water into the ocean while wishing someone a happy birthday, and then in 10 years let them know they can pick up their gift at the nearest coastline.
 (世界の表層海洋の接続時間は≦10年である(Jönsson & Watson, 2016, DOI:10.1038/ncomms11239)ため、前もって計画する気があれば、誰かの誕生日を祝いながら海に水を注ぎ、10年後に最寄りの海岸線でプレゼントを受け取ることができると知らせて。)

Alt-text: Shipping times vary. Same-ocean delivery may only take a few years, but delivery from the Weddell Sea in Antarctica may take multiple decades, and molecules meant for inland seas like the Mediterranean may be returned as undeliverable by surface currents.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。