Maslow's Pyramid(マズローのピラミッド)
Self-actualization: Honestly questioning my life choices here
Esteem: People seem less impressed by it than I hoped
(承認(尊重): 人々は僕が望んだよりも感銘を受けていないようだ)
Belonging and Love: Friends are worried about me
(所属と愛: 友達は僕を心配している)
Safety: Highly defensible
(安全性: 非常に堅牢)
Physiological needs: Provides basic shelter but no food, water, heat, etc
(生理学的ニーズ: 基礎的なシェルター機能を提供するが、食べ物、水、熱などは提供しない)
I built Maslow's pyramid thing, but it's a total ripoff - it's only providing 20% of my needs.
Alt-text: The local police, building inspector, and fire marshal are all contesting my 'safety' assertion, or would be if they could reach me past all the traps.