【Twitterまとめ 8/12~8/18】「部分日食」他 342ネタ
部分日食https://t.co/SAQaOvf5RN #ねこ #猫画像 pic.twitter.com/neJxiN6gRo
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) August 16, 2024
部分日食https://t.co/SAQaOvf5RN #ねこ #猫画像 pic.twitter.com/neJxiN6gRo
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) August 16, 2024
Ferris Wheels(観覧車)
The county fair fired me for adding a belt drive to the Ferris wheels.
(観覧車にベルトドライブを取り付けたことにより、地域まつりは私を解雇した。)Alt-text: They left the belt drive in place but switched which wheel was powered, so people could choose between a regular ride, a long ride, and a REALLY long ride.
Helium Synthesis(ヘリウム合成)
男(髪あり): These helium shortages every few years are such a pain.
男(髪あり): Our company needs a reliable source of helium.
(わが社には信頼できるヘリウムの供給源が必要です。)女: Where does helium come from, anyway?
男: Hmm, apparently most of it is from "big bang nucleosynthesis"?
(うーん、どうやらそのほとんどは「ビッグバン元素合成」によるものらしいよ?)男(髪あり): Well, let's figure out how to do that.
"Big Bang Nucleosynthesis,"
(「ビッグバン元素合成」)[14 billion years leter]
(140憶年後)男(髪あり): These helium shortages every few years are such a pain.
男(髪あり): Our company needs a reliable source of helium.
(わが社には信頼できるヘリウムの供給源が必要です。)Alt-text: Our lawyers were worried because it turns out the company inherits its debt from the parent universe, but luckily cosmic inflation reduced it to nearly zero.
Celestial Event(天体ショー)
Approximate frequency in my area
(僕の地域でのおおよその頻度)Active northern lights: 20 days per solar cycle
A naked-eye "Great Comet": 2 months every 50 years
Total eclipse: once every 350 years
Clear skies: 50% of the time
17-year cicada emergence: 2 months every 17 years
(17年蝉の出現:17年ごとに2か月)4.3 billion years
(43億年)Every 4 billion years or so, my neighborhood gets to see a really spectacular show.
(およそ40億年に1度、僕の近所では本当に素晴らしいショーを見ることができる。)Alt-text: If we can get a brood of 13-year cicadas going, we might have a chance at making this happen before the oceans evaporate under the expanding sun.
卓球、神視点https://t.co/WYoVZrlzVM #ねこ #猫動画 pic.twitter.com/ekAcCrJrbA
— なぐ@naglly.comの中の人 (@naagle) August 6, 2024