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【Twitterまとめ 4/1~4/7】「幸せが全身からにじみ出ている」他 323ネタ


 この記事のカテゴリは、小ネタまとめ です。

Machine - 機械



男: Balls falling into your cell should be routed to the outputs at a steady rate.
男: For security reasons, balls that remain in your device for more than 30 seconds will be removed and destroyed.
男: Congratulations! Your contraption has passed all tests. Press [submit button] to submit it to be added to the machine!

Alt-text: The Credible Machine


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Eclipse Clouds - 日食の雲


Eclipse Clouds(日食の雲)

男: These eclipse weather forecasts are killing me.
ノートPC: refresh

欄外の声: So you really want to see something block out the sun...
欄外の声: ...But not a cloud. It has to be the Moon specifically.

男: My tastes are very singular!

Alt-text: The rare compound solar-lunar-nephelogical eclipse


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

Eclipse Coolness - 日食の素晴らしさ


Eclipse Coolness(日食の素晴らしさ)

How cool a solar eclipse looks
by position along the path

Y軸: Coolness
X軸の左右: Partial eclipse zone
X軸の中央: Path of totality
"We should have a good view here - we're pretty close to the middle of the path."
"Yeah, this map says the sun will be 91% eclipsed!"

Alt-text: A partial eclipse is like a cool sunset. A total eclipse is like someone broke the sky.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2024年) です。

【Twitterまとめ 3/25~3/31】「みっちり」他 322ネタ


 この記事のカテゴリは、小ネタまとめ です。