2010 and 2020 - 2010年と2020年
2010 and 2020(2010年と2020年)
白ハット: What are things like ten years from now in 2020?
白ハット: We have this new "bitcoin" thing -- does it ever catch on and become normal?
(この新しい「ビットコイン」ってやつ...これが流行して普通のものになることはある?)男: It's still around. I just bought a bottle of hand sanitizer for one bitcoin.
(まだあるよ。僕は1ビットコインで手用の消毒液1ボトルを買ったところだよ。)白ハット: Cool, that sounds pretty normal.
男: Well, here's the thing ...
(いやぁ、実はさ...。)Alt-text: 2030: "I just bought a house for one bitcoin. No, it's the equivalent of a dollar. Houses are often transferred for a nominal fee because the buyer is taking responsibility for containing the holo-banshees in the attic."