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2010 and 2020 - 2010年と2020年


2010 and 2020(2010年と2020年)

白ハット: What are things like ten years from now in 2020?
白ハット: We have this new "bitcoin" thing -- does it ever catch on and become normal?

男: It's still around. I just bought a bottle of hand sanitizer for one bitcoin.

白ハット: Cool, that sounds pretty normal.
男: Well, here's the thing ...

Alt-text: 2030: "I just bought a house for one bitcoin. No, it's the equivalent of a dollar. Houses are often transferred for a nominal fee because the buyer is taking responsibility for containing the holo-banshees in the attic."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Symptoms - 症状



男: It says here common symptoms include shortness of breath, fever, fatigue, and a dry cough.
女: That's reassuring to me, a person with powerful lungs, icy skin, frenzied energy, and an incredibly wet cough.

Title text: This medicine says it may cause lightheadedness, dry mouth, and blurred vision, but my head feels incredibly heavy, water is pouring from my mouth, and I can see individual hummingbird wingbeats, so I think I'm fine.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Scientific Briefing - 科学的説明


Scientific Briefing(科学的報告)

女: Here's the situation:
女: This line is here.
男: But it's going up toward here.

白ハット: So things will be bad?
女: Unless someone does something to stop it.
白ハット: Will anyone do that?
女: ...We don't know.
女: That's why we're showing you this.

白ハット: So you don't know,
白ハット: And the graph says things are not bad.
女: But if no one acts, they'll become bad.

白ハット: Well, please let me know if that happens!
女: Based on this conversation, it already has.

Alt-text: "I actually came in in the middle so I don't know which topic we're briefing on; the same slides work for like half of them."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Business Greetings - ビジネスの挨拶


Business Greetings(ビジネスの挨拶)

ベレー帽: I don't think we should overreact to the coronavirus,
ベレー帽: But it might be time to put an end to the custom of starting business meetings by everyone licking each others' eyeballs.
男(黒髪): I'll miss the human contact, but that's fair.
女: Gotta change with the times.

Title text: We have email and social media now, so we probably don't need to keep exchanging business cards by pressing them gently against each others' faces with an open palm and smearing them around.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Self-Isolate - 自己隔離



テレビ: Experts are saying people may need to "self-isolate" to combat the virus.

男: ... I've been practicing for this moment my whole life.
欄外の声: I don't think that's--
男: Quick, make plans and watch how fast I cancel!
Alt-text: Turns out I've been "practicing social distancing" for years without even realizing it was a thing!


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。