Alien Visitors 2 - エイリアンの訪問者2
Alien Visitors2(エイリアンの訪問者2)
宇宙人: Greetings, humans. We have returned.
宇宙人: Since you already have pyramids, we've brought you more advanced wonders.
宇宙人: These machines will let you conquer the sky!
欄外の声: A biplane?
欄外の声: Aren't monoplanes more efficient?
欄外の声: Does that blimp use hydrogen?
(あの飛行船は水素を使うのか?)宇宙人: (CH3CH2 )4Pb
宇宙人: Add this elixir of lead to your gasoline and your engines will run smooth.
白ハット: Lead? Isn't that stuff toxic?
(鉛?それって有毒なんじゃないの?)宇宙人: Is it?
宇宙人: Oh no.
(残念です。)宇宙人: Okay, uh.
宇宙人: This device's electric press can squeeze fresh fruit juice from bags of pulp!
(この装置の電動プレス機は、袋に入った果肉から新鮮なフルーツジュースを絞ることができるんですよ!)ポニーテール: ...Just curious, did you build that saucer?
男: Maybe we shouldn't stand right under it.
(その真下に立つのはやめた方がいいかも。)Alt-text: "Although fresh juice DOES sound--" "NO! For humanity to survive we must learn from the mistakes of the past."