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Product Launch - 製品発表会


Product Launch(製品紹介会)

黒髪の男: The press is here for the product launch!
黒髪の男: Remember, people are wary of smart devices, so we want to strike a non-threatening tone.

プレゼンター: Hang on, did you say non-threatening?
黒髪の男: Yes. Why-
プレゼンター: Nothing. It's probably fine.


プレゼンター: They say technology can change the world, for good or for evil. Our new product will show how true that is.
プレゼンター: We hear the plaintive cries of our customers. We want to give them what they deserve.

プレゼンター: Now, let us expose our product to the atmosphere for the first time, surprising and delighting customers within a five-block radius.

欄外の声: I'm leaving.
プレゼンター: No, don't worry! A staggering number of people will survive!

Alt-text: "Okay, that was weird, but the product reveal was normal. I think the danger is pas--" "One more thing." "Oh no."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Fuzzy Blob - モヤモヤの塊


Fuzzy Blob(モヤモヤの塊)

白ハット: What's that fuzzy blob next to your house? It's huge!
男: I don't know! I looked up and it was gone!
白ハット: How can a giant structure vanish?
白ハット: ...Cloaking device?!!
レポーター: The fuzzy blob, dubbed "flob" by internet sleuths, has city planners stumped.
シティプランナー: No, that's not any type of building I'm familiar with.
女: Could be an experimental military dome.
登壇者: The zoning board investigation has found no evidence of a cloaked dome structure. The historical commission will be joining the research into these domes and other unusual buildings, such as the historic 4th ave church...
レポーター: This only raises more questions.

Alt-text: If there's no dome, how do you explain the irregularities the board discovered in the zoning permits issued in that area!?


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Hippo Attacks - カバの攻撃


Hippo Attacks(カバの攻撃)

男: I hate unsourced statistics.
男: This viral post says hippos kill 2,900 people a year, but this random listicle says 500.

女: Makes sense.
女: Publishing the real number would be a hippo violation.

Alt-text: It's cool how, when there's a number lots of people are curious about, but which isn't easy to measure, some random guess will get cited everywhere and become the universally quoted value. Unrelatedly, did you know there are 850 trillion waves in the ocean?


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Next Slide Please - 次のスライドをお願いします


Next Slide Please(次のスライドをお願いします)

Did you know?
Transcripts of famous quotes often
leave out the slideshow instructions.
Here's the line actually sounded:

"Give me liberty or give me--Next slide, please--death!"

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down--Next slide, please--this wall."
"It was the best of times--Next slide, please--It was the worst of times."
"We have nothing to fear but--Next slide, please--fear itself."
"To be or--Next slide, please--not to be, that is the question."
"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art--Next slide, please--more lovely and--Next slide, please--more temperate."
"We shall fight--Next slide, please--on the beaches, we shall fight on--Next slide, please--the landing grounds..."

"Read my lips--Next slide, please--no new taxes."
"That's one small step for man--Next slide, please--one giant leap for mankind."
"Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears! Next slide, please. I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him."

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of--Next slide, please--a good fortune, must be in want of--Next slide, please--a wife."
"Veni, vidi--Velim, pictura proxima--vici."

Alt-text: "I have nothing to offer but blood--next slide, please--toil--next slide, please--tears, and--next slide, please--sweat."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Astronomy Status Board - 天文状況掲示板


Astronomy Status Board(天文状況掲示板)

Astronomy Status Board:

Moon Still There Gone
Sun Still There Gone
Stars Still There Gone
Planets Still There Gone
Galaxies Still There Gone

Alt-text: Junior astronomers hate getting put on board update duty, but someone's gotta make sure that stuff is still up there.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。