Product Launch - 製品発表会
Product Launch(製品紹介会)
黒髪の男: The press is here for the product launch!
黒髪の男: Remember, people are wary of smart devices, so we want to strike a non-threatening tone.
(みんなはスマートデバイスに警戒心を持っているので、威圧感のないトーンにしたいんだ。)プレゼンター: Hang on, did you say non-threatening?
黒髪の男: Yes. Why-
プレゼンター: Nothing. It's probably fine.
プレゼンター: They say technology can change the world, for good or for evil. Our new product will show how true that is.
プレゼンター: We hear the plaintive cries of our customers. We want to give them what they deserve.
(我々はお客様の悲痛な叫びを聞いています。我々は彼らに相応しいものを提供したいのです。)プレゼンター: Now, let us expose our product to the atmosphere for the first time, surprising and delighting customers within a five-block radius.
(さあ、私たちの製品を初めて大気に晒し、5ブロック以内のお客様に驚きと喜びを与えましょう。欄外の声: I'm leaving.
プレゼンター: No, don't worry! A staggering number of people will survive!
(いや、心配しないでください。驚異的な数の人間は生き残りますよ。)Alt-text: "Okay, that was weird, but the product reveal was normal. I think the danger is pas--" "One more thing." "Oh no."