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1/100,000th Scale World - 10万分の1スケールの世界


1/100,000th Scale World(10万分の1スケールの世界)


For visitors to my 1/100,000th scale world
1 meter = 100 km, 1 ft=100,000ft≈20 miles
 (1メートル=100キロメートル 1フィート=100,000フィート≒20マイル)

ISS (14 feet up)
Returns every 90 minutes
Hit it with a Nerf dart to win a prize!

Our Aurora are probably non-toxic, but please stop trying to taste them

Warning: Limited cell network coverage above the ionosphere. Crouch down to get more bars

Safety glasses required for protection from reentering spacecraft
男: OW!
欄外の声: What?
Cueball: I got a Soyuz in my eye

Beware of chest level meteors

-100°C Mesopause vest recommended

Do not anger the sprites

Do not step on Mt. Everest

No breaking off pieces of the ice caps to put in your drink

Caution! Ocean floor slippery when wet

Wear sunscreen; the ozone layer only protects you below the knees.
 (日焼け止めを塗る; オゾン層は膝下だけを保護する)

If Lake Tahoe or the Dead Sea dries up, refill them with this 5oz wine glass

Please stop digging through the Moho. Staff are tired of cleaning up large igneous provinces.

Alt-text: The floor should be slightly curved, but we haven't figured out artificial gravity yet, so for now we just added a trace intoxicating gas to the air that messes with your inner ear and gives you a sense that the ground is tilting away from you.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

1/10,000th Scale World - 1万分の1スケールの世界


1/10,000th Scale World(1万分の1スケールの世界)


For visitors to my 1/10,000th scale world
1 meter=10 km  1ft = 10,000 ft ~ 2 miles
 (1メートル=10キロメートル 1フィート=10,000フィート≒2マイル)
Watch out for airliners cruising near shoulder level
Trip hazard: Appalachian Mountains
Do not stand or climb on Mt. Everest
Caution: Hydro-thermal vents underfoot
Children must be supervised while in the ocean, especially near trenches
Danger: positive lightning! Do not touch cloud tops
Avoid hypoxia by regularly sitting to bring your lungs below the death zone
Do not dig near Yellowstone
Please do not smack weather balloons
Be careful not to step on cities with especially pointy towers, like Toronto, Seattle, and Dubai

Alt-text: OCEAN PLAY AREA RULES: No running, no horseplay, no megatsunamis, and no trying to pry the wreck of the Titanic off the bottom.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Apple Growers - りんご生産者


Apple Growers(りんご生産者)

女: *ahem* The state apple-growers' association has decided to formally call on President Donald Trump to resign.

ポニーテール: Weren't you meeting to update the standards for new apple varieties?
女: Yes, but we talked it over and this is what we decided. We feel strongly that this is important.

欄外の声: Did you discuss anything on your actual agenda?
女: Thanks for the question! We did not.

欄外の声: Do you have any apple-related announcements at all?
女: Uh, apples are great. Best fruit. Everyone should buy 1,000 of them. We're a little distracted right now, okay??

Alt-text: Hopefully in a couple of weeks we'll be able to resume our apple-focused updates, because we have SO MUCH to say about Cosmic Crisp.
 (うまくいけば、数週間後にはリンゴに焦点を当てた更新を再開できるだろう。Cosmic Crispについてたくさんのことを言うことができるのだから。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Steepen the Curve - この曲線を急勾配に


Steepen the Curve(この曲線を急勾配に)

Y軸: COVID Deaths Vaccinations


Flatten Steepen The Curve

Alt-text: 1. Flatten the curve. 2. Steepen the curve. 3. Hang out.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Egg Strategies - 卵の戦略


Egg Strategies(卵の戦略)

Lawful Good(秩序にして善)
Neutral Good(中立にして善)
Chaotic Good(混沌にして善)
Lawful Neutral(秩序にして中立)
True Neutral(真の中立)
Chaotic Neutral(混沌にして中立)
Lawful Evil(秩序にして悪)
Neutral Evil(中立にして悪)
Chaotic Evil(混沌にして悪)

Alt-text: Neutral Evil is for people who like keeping the weight nicely centered in the carton, but also hate everyone else who wants that


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。