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Fan Theories - ファン理論


Fan Theories(ファン理論)

男: But according to leading fan theories, Jupiter's moons may harbor subsurface oceans.
女: Will you please stop calling them that?

How to annoy scientists: refer to all hypotheses as "fan theories"
 (科学者を困らせる方法: すべての仮説を「ファン理論」と呼ぶ)

Alt-text: The universe fandom is great. Such sweet and enthusiastic people.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Easy or Hard - 簡単?難しい?


Easy Or Hard(簡単?難しい?)

Actually pretty easy to find out(実際にはかなり簡単に見つけられる) Very hard, but there have been recent breakthroughs(非常に困難だが、最近ブレークスルーがあった) Extremely hard, currently unsolved(非常に難しく、現在未解決)
Sounds borderline unsolvable(境界線が解決しなさそう)
How much does the Eiffel Tower's gravity deflect baseballs in Boston?(エッフェル塔の重力は、ボストンで野球ボールをどのくらい弾くか?) What time of year did the cretaceous impact happen?(白亜紀の影響が起こったのはいつ?) How can relativity be reconciled with quantum mechanics?(相対性理論は量子力学とどのように調和させることが出来るか?)
Sounds pretty hard, but you'd assume someone knows(かなり難しいそうだが、誰かが知っていると思う)
Where was Mars in the sky from Paris on the day the Eiffel Tower opened?(エッフェル塔が開通した日、パリから見た火星はどこにあった?) How many ants are there?(アリは何匹いるか?) How does Tylenol work?(タイレノールはどのように働くか?)
Sounds like it would be easy to look up(簡単に調べられそう)
How tall is the Eiffel Tower?(エッフェル塔の高さは?) How does general anesthesia work?(全身麻酔はどのように機能するか?) Why does your hair get a static charge when you rub it with a balloon?(髪の毛を風船でこすると静電気が発生するのはなぜか?)

Title text: "Friction-driven static electrification is familiar and fundamental in daily life, industry, and technology, but its basics have long been unknown and have continually perplexed scientists from ancient Greece to the high-tech era. [...] To date, no single theory can satisfactorily explain this mysterious but fundamental phenomenon." --Eui-Cheol Shin et. al. (2022)
 (「摩擦駆動の静電気は、日常生活、産業、および技術においてよく知られており、基本的なものだが、その基本は長い間知られておらず、古代ギリシャからハイテクの時代に至るまで科学者を絶えず当惑させてきた。[...]現在、この神秘的だが基本的な現象を十分に説明できる理論はない。」― Eui-Cheol Shin et. al. (2022年))


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Archimedes Principle - アルキメデスの原理


Archimedes Principle(アルキメデスの原理)

女: Uh, Archimedes, why is there a bucket of water with a gold crown hidden in the bottom?
アルキメデス: It's mostly silver. Replica of the King's crown. He's coming here later, and I have a plan.

Archimedes invents the heist.

Alt-text: "I've always wanted to run naked through town, but I don't want to get in trouble with the king or be remembered by history as a weirdo. I wonder how I could ... EUREKA!"


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Battery Life - バッテリー寿命


Battery Life(バッテリー寿命)

Plugging in my phone is a pain, so I got one with a 100lb battery, and when it runs out of charge every few years I just upgrade.

Alt-text: It's okay, I'm at 10%, so I'm good for another month or two.
 (大丈夫。10%の状態なので、あと1、2 か月は持つ。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Quantified Self - 自己の定量化


Quantified Self(自己の定量化)

腕時計型デバイス: Good job! You hit your weekly goal for "total length of your path through space if you minimize its length by pulling it taut, maneuvering it around solid objects but not through them."

I'm into the quantified self, but only for really arbitrary quantities.

Alt-text: It's made me way more excited about ferris wheels, subways, car washes, waterslides, and store entrances that have double doors with a divider in the middle.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。