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Wing Lift - 翼の揚力


Wing Lift(翼の揚力)

How a wing produces lift
Airflow splits around the top and bottom of the wing
Spooky skulls microprinted on the bottom of the wing frighten the air, which flees away downward
Top air goes to see what's wrong
By Newton's third law, downward deflection of air pushes wing upward

Alt-text: Once the air from the top passes below the plane of the wing and catches sight of the spooky skulls, it panics, which is the cause of turbulent vortices.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Two Key System - ツーキーシステム


Two Key System(ツーキーシステム)

All software development, eventually

男: We've installed a two-key system to prevent accidental missile launches.
男: We've developed a dual-turner device to allow a user to efficiently turn multiple keys.
男: We've installed a two-key lock on the dual-turner device to prevent accidental use.

Alt-text: Our company can be your one-stop shop for decentralization.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Historical Dates - 記念すべき日


Historical Dates(記念すべき日)

Historical records show millions of business transactions occurred on Dec 30th, 1899.
This economic activity sparked the digital age, culminating in a "data festival" on Jan 1st, 1970, when many early digital files were created.

It's going to be weird when historians forget why some dates show up a lot.

Alt-text: Evidence suggests the 1899 transactions occurred as part of a global event centered around a deity associated with the lotus flower.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Pilot Priority List - パイロット優先リスト


Pilot Priority List(パイロット優先リスト)

Pilot Priority List(パイロット優先リスト)
-----------Standard section(標準セクション)-----------
1. Aviate(航空)
Maintain control of the aircraft
2. Navigate(ナビゲート)
Figure out where you're going
3. Communicate(コミュニケーション)
Stay in touch with ATC and others

-----------Extended section(拡張セクション)-----------
4. Decorate(デコレート)
Make the cockpit fancy
5. Accelerate(加速)
See how fast you can go
6. Roller skate(ローラースケート)
Zoom down the aisle
7. Exfoliate(角質除去)
Scrub away dead skin
8. Sublimate(昇華)
Turn directly to a vapor
9. Pollinate(受粉)
Fly low to stir up pollen
10. Congratulate(おめでとう)
You're doing a good job flying a plane!

Alt-text: CELEBRATE: Serve passengers tiered cakes shaped like the airspace class diagram


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Everyday Carry - エブリデイ・キャリー


Everyday Carry(エブリデイ・キャリー)

It was hard work collecting all the everyday carry products on the Internet, but now I'm finally ready for anything.

Alt-text: Someday I just know I'm going to encounter a problem that requires 500 flashlights and 700 knives with weird holes in them, and on that day I won't be caught unprepared.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。