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Cursed mRNA Cocktail - 呪われたmRNAカクテル


Cursed mRNA Cocktail(呪われたmRNAカクテル)

Ever wondered what it would be like to drink the new COVID booster?
This recipe approximately recreates the taste and nutritional profile!
(Note: does not protect against COVID.)

"...What? Eww." -CDC spokesperson
 (「......なに?えっ」 - CDC のスポークスマン)
"Please stop." -Dr. Anthony Fauci
 (「停止してください。」 - アンソニー・ファウチ博士)

2 cups water
3 tbsp mayonnaise
 (マヨネーズ 大さじ3)
¼ tsp MSG or nutritional yeast
 (グルタミン酸ナトリウムまたはニュートリショナルイースト 小さじ1/4)
1 tbsp sugar

Pour 1 cup of water into a blender. Add the mayonnaise and MSG. Blend until smooth.
Pour the other cup of water into a glass. Add the sugar and 1 tsp of the mixture from the blender. Stir well.
Serve in shot glasses.

Alt-text: Serve one each to guests whose last cursed cocktail was more than 2 months ago.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

What If? 2 Flowchart - ファット・イフ?2フローチャート


What If? 2 Flowchart(ファット・イフ?2フローチャート)

Congratulations, you have acquired a copy of What if? 2! (out today,
 (おめでとうございます。「What if? 2」の本を取得しました!)

[What do you want to do today?]
→I don't know
→Go to neighborhood party

[Reflect on your life]

[Do you like your neighbor?]

[Where do you go?]
→The Sun
→A diner

What do you really want to do?
→I want to shoot a laser at a sorceress
→I want a dog
→I want to tell people things about eggs

[What do you want to bring?]
Weird opinions
→My fake identity

[Are you wearing sunscreen?]

[How do you get there?]

[Get a dog]

[What kinds of things about eggs?]
→True things
→False things

[Do you think bugs should get paid?]

[Have you commited any crimes?]
→Not sure

[How do you want to visit?]
→Briefly, via teleporter
→I want to land a probe on the surface

Box 15: Where do you sit in the helicopter?
→On the rotor

[Are you flying near any strong magnets?]

[How fast do you want to drive?]
→With a bird

Are you satisfied?
→No. I think we need more dogs.

[Do you want to?]

[Travel back in time to undo your crimes]

[Okay, there's the diner!]
→Keep driving forever

[Does this road lead to Rome?]
→No, but it should

Get more dogs

[What food do you order?]
→The Sun
→A cloud

[Pick a different road]

No. You can never have too many dogs.

[How much soup?]
→1 bowl
→1040 bowls
More dogs

No. You can literally never have too many dogs. We should not stop until all that exists has been consumed by a happy, barking mass.

Alt-text: Don't worry, the dogs are all fine. That's actually kind of the problem.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Rotation - 回転



9 rotations: original image is smaller than a pixel.
25 rotations: original image is smaller than an atom.
101 rotations: original image is smaller than the Planck length, at which the concept of distance may break down.

Phone tip: don't rotate and screenshot an image too many times or it will become lost in the quantum foam of the universe.
 (スマホのヒント: 画像を何度も回転させたり、スクリーンショットを撮ったりしないで。宇宙の量子泡の中で失われてしまう。)

Alt-text: It's okay, we can just feed the one-pixel image into an AI upscaler and recover the original image, or at least one that's just as cool.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Interruption - 中断



男: ...And that's when you knew she had betrayed you?"
ポニーテール: Yeah, she picked up the money and walked out."

ポニーテール: To this day, I don't know if she planned it all.
ポニーテール: But there was one moment that makes me think, maybe she did.

ポニーテール: Just before she disappeared, she paused at the door, looked back at me, and said,
影: Hey - if I ever see you again,

影: Turn left at the next light

It's so disorienting when a podcaster has a voice that's similar to my navigation app.

Alt-text: It's been extra bad ever since my GPS got stuck on Phoebe Judge mode.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Things You Should Not Do - すべきでないこと


Things You Should Not Do(すべきでないこと)

Updates to my "Things You Should Not Do" list, based on what I learned writing What If? 2
 (「What If 2?」を書いて学んだことに基づき、「すべきでないこと」リストを更新する。)

(out 9/13,

Things You Should Not Do
(part 3647 of ????)
#156,812 Eat Tide pods
#156,813 Walk on stilts in a thunderstorm
#156,814 Set off fireworks at a gas station
#156,815 Feed your cat treats that are the exact shape and texture of a human hand

------ NEW! ------(新規!)

#156,816 Lean over a geyser vent and try to look down into it
#156,817 Fly a hot air balloon over a firing range
#156,818 Peel away the Earth's crust
#156,819 Try to paint the Sahara Desert by hand
#156,820 Remove someone's bones without asking
#156,821 Spend 100% of your governments budget on mobile game in-app purchases
#156,822 Fill a lava lamp with actual lava
#156,823 Drink the blood of someone with a viral hemorraghic fever
#156,824 Eat meat from rabid animals
#156,825 Perform your own laser eye surgery
#156,826 Tell California poultry regulators that your farm is selling Pokemon eggs
#156,827 Funnel the entire flow of Niagara Falls into the open window of a physics lab
#156,828 Pump ammonia into your abdomen
#156,829 Suspend yourself inside a 10-meter ball of sunscreen and fall into the sun
Alt-text: Now I'm tempted to start telling people that I secretly don't actually know how to do any physics calculations, and so all the answers in What If are based on me actually trying to do the thing and then reporting what happened, but phrased as if it's hypothetical.
 (今僕は、実は物理の計算の仕方を知らないんだと人に言いたくなる。というわけで、「What If」の答えは全部、僕が実際にやってみて、何が起こったかを報告したものだが、まるでそれが仮説であるかのような言い回しになっている。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。