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Definitely - 絶対に



Word(言葉) Meaning(意味)
Definitely - Definitely(絶対に)
Definetly - Almost definitely(ほとんど絶対に)
Definately - Probably(多分)
Definatly - Probably not(多分)
Defenitely - Not telling (it's a surprise)(内緒(それはサプライズ))
Defintely - Per the prophecy(予言によれば)
Definetely - Definitely, maybe(絶対、多分)
Definantly - To be decided by coin toss(コイントスで決定)
Defanitely - In one universe out of 14 million(1,400万分の1の宇宙で)
Defineatly - Only the gods know(神のみぞ知る)
Definitly - Unless someone cute shows up(可愛い子が現れない限り)
Defiantly - Defiantly(反抗的に)

People think the word "definitely" is often misspelled, but it's actually just several words with different meanings.

Alt-text: A really mean prank you can play on someone who's picky about words is to add a 'definitely->definitively' autocorrect rule to their keyboard.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Love Songs - ラブソング


Love Songs(ラブソング)

Y軸: Do you like me?
X軸: Do I like you?

Alt-text: The Piña Colada song carves a trajectory across the chart over the course of the song.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Puzzles - パズル



男(髪あり): Aunt Gertrude must have left a clue to the amulet's location.
女1: Hmm. Wait a minute.
女1: Gertrude. G.
 (Gertrude. G.)
男(髪あり): As in "Ground!"
女1: And "diG a hole!"
 (そして 「diG a hole!」)
ポニーテール: I'll get a shovel!
男(髪なし): To the yard!

Some of the authors of books I read as a kid were terrible at designing puzzles.

Alt-text: Why couldn't the amulet have been hidden by Aunt Alice, who understands modern key exchange algorithms?


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

【Twitterまとめ 12/11~12/17】「バタバタ」他 308ネタ


 この記事のカテゴリは、小ネタまとめ です。

Label the States - 州にラベルする


Label the States(州にラベルする)

Geography Challenge:
Can you label all the states?

Alt-text: Even with a blank map, a lot of people can only name 45-50 of the 64 states.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。