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Comments - コメント



Backlash: Internet users are outraged over news stories using a handful of random comments to support arbitrary narratives!

I can't believe how easy it is to create an impression of peer consensus.

This dynamic is so easily manipulated and it freaks me out.

Everytime I share something and a friend responds "Haha, did you see the top comments..." it just reminds me how influential these things are in shaping the impressions of even relatively internet-savvy readers.

NPR got rid of comments in 2016 when they realized they all came from a handful of visitors posting hundreds of times a month.

Eventually social norms will adapt to this stuff, but it needs to hurry up.

I have nine followers and created my account last month; how am I being quoted in this news article??

Alt-text: NPR encourages you to add comments to their stories using the page inspector in your browser's developer tools. Note: Your comments are visible only to you, and will be lost when you refresh the page.
 (NPRは、ブラウザの開発者ツールのページインスペクタを使用して、ストーリーにコメントを追加することを推奨している。 注:あなたのコメントは自分自身にのみ表示され、あなたがページを更新すると失われる。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Qualifiers - 修飾語句



男: Ok, so, listen, the thing is, well, like, I'm just saying, and maybe it's just me, but, I mean, here's the thing, I could be way off here, but, look, I gotta say,

When I forget what I was going to say, I just keep prefixing qualifiers until I think of something new.

Title text: [20 minutes later] ", hi."
 ( [20分後]「,やぁ。」)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Diploma Legal Notes - 卒業証書の法的注意事項


Diploma Legal Notes(卒業証書の法的注意事項)

Congratulations, Class of 2019!
Your diploma grants you many new powers and privileges. These include:
You may now legally perform marriages and arrest people.
If you have your diploma with you, you can use grocery store express lanes with any number of items.
All graduates are entitled to delete one word of their choice from the Oxford English Dictionary.
The university will mail you your working lightsaber within 6-8 weeks.
You can send mail without stamps.
You have earned the right to challenge the British royal family to trial by combat. If you defeat them all, the throne is yours.
You may now ignore "Do Not Pet" warnings on airport security dogs.

Alt-text: If you're planning to challenge the royal family, you should probably wait 6-8 weeks, since a number of the younger ones have diplomas and Kate was actually on the varsity lightsaber team at St Andrews.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

xkcd: Ufo - UFO



モルダー: Hey Scully, have you seen these Navy UFO videos?
スカリー: Oh, the History Channel thing?

スカリー: I don't know about the other two videos, but in one of them, if you take the angles and ranges on the HUD and do a little geometry, it kind of suggests the object isn't really moving. It just looks like it because the plane's camera is panning.

スカリー: The pilots got excited for the same reason we did. Then the media got into it.
スカリー: But I think what they saw was a round, white object floating at 13,000 feet.

モルダー: So your theory is that the military claims to have footage of aliens, but you think it's a giant cover-up to hide that it's a weather balloon?
スカリー: Some kind of balloon, yes.
モルダー: Pretty weird conspiracy.
スカリー: Maybe the shadowy forces that control the world just want to believe, too.

Alt-text: "It's a little low for a weather balloon; it might be some other kind." "Yeah. Besides, I know I'm the alien conspiracy guy, but come on--the idea that the government would care about hiding something so mundane as atmospheric temperature measurement is too ridiculous even for me."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Swimming - 泳ぎ



女: It's OK, I can still touch bottom here.

I love swimming, but occasionally I realize I don't know how deep the water under me is and it freaks me out.

Alt-text: "You don't know how high above you the sky goes, but you're not freaking out about that." "Well, NOW I am!"


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。