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First News Memory - 初めてのニュースの思い出


First News Memory(最初のニュースの思い出)

ポニーテール: What's your first news memory?
男(髪なし): I always like this question! Mine was the 1988 election.
女(黒髪): Berlin wall for me. You?
男(髪あり): Watching the Challenger launch in class. We were so excited; everyone was horrified when it blew up.
男(髪あり): It was 1995.
男(髪あり): Our teacher got fired soon after.
白ハット: Mine's the 2016 election.
女(まとめ髪): ...aren't you in your 30's?
白ハット: Look, we're not all great about keeping up with the news, OK?
黒ハット: My first memory is when we landed on the moon.
黒ハット: My second memory is my mom telling us we were moving to Earth instead, to blend in with the humans.
女(まとめ髪): This explains a lot.

ALt-text: Psychology researchers say our 'flashbulb' memories of big events can be unreliable, but I clearly remember watching live on CNN as Challenger crashed into and destroyed the Berlin Wall.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Trained a Neural Net - ニューラルネットの訓練


Trained a Neural Net(ニューラルネットの訓練)

白ハット: Oh, hey, you organized our photo archive!
男: Yeah, I trained a neural net to sort the unlabeled photos into categories.
白ハット: Whoa! Nice work!
Engineering Tip: When you do a task by hand, you can technically say you trained a neural net to do it.
Alt-text: It also works for anything you teach someone else to do. "Oh yeah, I trained a pair of neural nets, Emily and Kevin, to respond to support tickets."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Lunar Cycle - 月のサイクル


Lunar Cycles

Understanding Lunar Cycles

Alt-text: The Antikythera mechanism had a whole set of gears specifically to track the cyclic popularity of skinny jeans and low-rise waists.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Shadow Biosphere - 影の生物圏


Shadow Biosphere(影の生物圏)

かすれた人物: These days most of our funding comes in from the shadow biotech industry.
女: Did you hear something?
Cueball: I think it's the wind.

The shadow biosphere exists, but if you study it, you become a shadow biologist.

Alt-text: The typical Shadow Biology Department is housed in a building coated in a thin layer of desert varnish which renders it invisible to normal-world university staff.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Coordinate Precision - 座標精度


Coordinate Precision(座標精度)

What The Number of Digits in Your Coordinates Means

Lat/Lon: 28°N, 80°W
Meaning: You're probably doing something space-related

Lat/Lon: 28.5°N, 80.6°W
Meaning: You're pointing out a specific city

Lat/Lon: 28.52°N, 80.68°W
Meaning: You're pointing out a neighborhood

Lat/Lon: 28.523°N, 80.683°W

Meaning: You're pointing out a specific suburban cul-de-sac

Lat/Lon: 28.5234°N, 80.6830°W
Meaning: You're pointing to a particular corner of a house

Lat/Lon: 28.52345°N, 80.68309°W
Meaning: You're pointing to a specific person in a room, but since you didn't include datum information, we can't tell who

Lat/Lon: 28.5234571°N, 80.6830941°W
Meaning: You're pointing to Waldo on a page

Lat/Lon: 28.523457182°N, 80.683094159°W
Meaning: "Hey, check out this specific sand grain!"

Lat/Lon: 28.523457182818284°N, 80.683094159265358°W
Meaning: Either you're handing out raw floating point variables, or you've built a database to track individual atoms. In either case, please stop.

Alt-text: 40 digits: You are optimistic about our understanding of the nature of distance itself.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。