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Predictive Models - 予測モデル


Predictive Models(予測モデル)

男(タイピング): Long live the revolution. Our next meeting will be at| [Predictive text tool suggests in grey text] the docks at midnight on June 28 [tab]
 (革命、万歳!我々の次の会議は| 6月28日深夜0時に、ドック[tab])

男: Aha, found them!

When you train predictive models on input from your users, it can leak information in unexpected ways.

Alt-text: WE WILL ARREST THE REVOLUTION MEMBERS [AT THE JULY 28TH MEETING][tab] "Cancel the meeting! Our cover is blown."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Reading in the Original - 原文を読む


Reading in the Original(原文を読む)

男: It's in the "Languages" box in the lower left. It took a while to learn, but I find I get so much more out of it by reading it as it was intended.

女: That's not how that works!

People get mad when I tell them I only read Wikipedia in the original Greek.

Alt-text: The articles are much shorter, but I assume that's because this version predates the merger with the Hawaiian text that created the modern Hawaiian-Greek hybrid wiki-pedia.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Motivated Reasoning Olympics - 動機づけられた推論オリンピック


Motivated Reasoning Olympics(動機づけられた推論オリンピック)

男: Check it out, I won first place at the Motivated Reasoning Olympics!

ポニーテール: That trophy says "second."

男: Well, the guy who won was caught cheating in an earlier round, so the board is almost certain to strip him of his win once they review the...

Alt-text: [later] I can't believe how bad corruption has become, especially given that our league split off from the statewide one a month ago SPECIFICALLY to protest this kind of flagrantly biased judging.
 ( [少し後] 僕らのリーグはこの多少目に余るほど偏った判定に抗議するため、1ヵ月前も州全体のそれらから分離したことを特別に考慮すると、腐敗のひどさは信じがたいほどだ。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Stack - スタック



The Modern Tech Stack

Compromised by a customer
Compromised by a former employee
Compromised by a current employee
Compromised by bitcoin miners
Compromised by unknown hackers
Compromised by our own government
Compromised by a foreign government
Massive undiscovered hardware vulnerability

Alt-text: Gotta feel kind of bad for nation-state hackers who spend years implanting and cultivating some hardware exploit, only to discover the entire target database is already exposed to anyone with a web browser.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Millennials - ミレニアム世代



白ハット: I'm just saying-

白ハット: All these millennials will be in for a shock when they have to grow up and enter the real world.

男: Except...
男: "Millennials" started reaching adulthood about 20 years ago.

男: Which means that some millennials can't respond to your criticism because they're busy taking their kids to check out colleges.

白ハット: But, millennials are college kids!
男: Maybe they're not the ones failing to grow and change over time here.

Alt-text: Ironically, I've been having these same arguments for at least a decade now. I thought we would have moved on by now, but somehow the snide complaints about millennials continue.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。