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Data Error - データエラー


Data Error(データエラー)

女: I can't believe this data error invalidates a year and a half of my research.
女: I was about to publish.
黒ハット: Don't panic. You have two options.
女: Yeah?

黒ハット: 1) Redo your analysis and share whatever results you can, whether positive or negative. It's disappointing, but these things happen.
黒ハット: 2) Destroy the evidence. Use your materials and research methods to build a superweapon. Conquer Earth and rule with an iron fist.

女: Tremble before my anomalously productive algae!
女: Except the anomaly was an artifact.
女: Tremble before my normal algae!

Alt-text: Cyanobacteria wiped out nearly all life on Earth once before, and they can do it again!


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Flu Shot - インフル予防接種


Flu Shot(インフル予防接種)

女: Yesss, I got my flu shot.
男: Nice! I got mine a few weeks ago.
男: Immunity buddies!

女: Now I can finally get bitten by all the bats I want!
男: No, that's rabies, that's not what--

女: I'll be able to roll and play in the poison ivy without a care in the world!
男: Why would you do that even if the shot did--

女: No more slathering on sunscreen. No more rushing for antivenom after a snakebite. And now I can stop wasting time boiling contaminated water before drinking it!

女: Gonna click on every URL in every email I get, even the ones with IP addresses and weird Unicode in them!
男: You know what, sure, go for it.

Alt-text: "Wait, how often are you getting bitten by snakes? And why are you boiling water?" "Dunno, the CDC people keep showing up with complicated questions about the 'history of the property' and 'possible curses' but I kinda tune them out. At least one of them offered me the flu shot."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

xkcd: AI Hiring Algorithm - AIの採用アルゴリズム


AI Hiring Algorithm(AIの採用アルゴリズム)

DeepAIHire® Candidate Evaluation Algorithm
Inferred internal weightings

Weight(重み) Factor(因子)

0.0096 Educational background(学歴)
0.0520 Past experience(過去の経験)
0.0208 Recommendations(推薦)
0.0105 Interview performance(面接のパフォーマンス)
783.5629 Enthusiasm for developing and expanding the use of the DeepAIHire Algorithm

ポニーテール: An analysis of our new AI hiring algorithm has raised some concerns.

ALt-text: So glad Kate over in R&D pushed for using the AlgoMaxAnalyzer to look into this. Hiring her was a great decisio- waaaait.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Is it Christmas? - クリスマスですか?


Is it Christmas?(クリスマスですか?)

99.73% accurate
 (99.73%の正確さ) presents a new "Is It Christmas" service to compete with
 (xkcd.comは、isitchristmas.comと競合する新しい「Is It Christmas」サービスを提供する)

Alt-text: We've tested it on 30 different days and it hasn't gotten one wrong yet.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Group Chat Rules - グループチャットのルール


Group Chat Rules(グループチャットのルール)

Rules for this group chat

1. Once you've sent a typing notification, you have to say something, c'mon.
2. Show you care by trimming the tracking junk off links you paste.
3. Do not talk about Fight Club (1999).
 (Fight Club(1999)について話すな。)
4. There are two types of chats: those with a relevant group name, and those where the name is random nonsense that changes regularly. Only the second kind are good.
5. When mentioning it elsewhere, always just refer to it as "the group chat" to create an aura of exclusive mystery.
6. Robert's Rules of Order are optional but encouraged.
7. Periodically part of the group will split off to form a new chat with everyone minus one person. This is how group chats reproduce; don't draw attention to it.
8. Since there's no algorithmic feed, the responsibility for injecting lots of garbage no one asked for falls on you.
9. The enumeration, in these rules, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
10. Sorry about all the notifications.

Alt-text: There's no group chat member more enigmatic than the cool person who you all assume has the chat on mute, but who then instantly chimes in with no delay the moment something relevant to them is mentioned.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。