Data Error - データエラー
Data Error(データエラー)
女: I can't believe this data error invalidates a year and a half of my research.
女: I was about to publish.
黒ハット: Don't panic. You have two options.
女: Yeah?
(え?)黒ハット: 1) Redo your analysis and share whatever results you can, whether positive or negative. It's disappointing, but these things happen.
黒ハット: 2) Destroy the evidence. Use your materials and research methods to build a superweapon. Conquer Earth and rule with an iron fist.
(証拠を破壊する。スーパーウェポンを造るために君の材料と研究方法を使う。地球を征服し、鉄の拳で支配する。)女: Tremble before my anomalously productive algae!
女: Except the anomaly was an artifact.
女: Tremble before my normal algae!
(私の普通の藻の前で身震いせよ!)Alt-text: Cyanobacteria wiped out nearly all life on Earth once before, and they can do it again!