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Fresh Pears


Fresh Pears(新鮮な梨)

女: I put in my quarters. Is the machine broken?
ベレー帽: It just takes a while to work.

Alt-text: I want to sell apples but I'm still working on getting the machine to do the cutting and grafting.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Drone Fishing - ドローン釣り


Drone Fishing(ドローン釣り)

My Hobby: Drone Fishing
Alt-text: Today's consumers who order their drones off the internet don't know the joy of going out in nature and returning with a drone that you caught yourself, whose angry owners you fought off with your own two hands.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Math Work - 数学の作業


Math Work(数学の作業)

白ハット: Amazing watching a physicist at work, exploring universes in a symphony of numbers.
白ハット: If only I had studied math, I could appreciate the beauty on display here.

男: Oh no. This has two unknowns. That's gonna be really hard.
男: Ughhhhhhh.
男: Think. There's gotta be a way to avoid doing all that work...

Alt-text: I could type this into a solver, which MIGHT help, but would also mean I have to get a lot of parentheses right...


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Mavis Beacon - メイビスビーコン


Mavis Beacon(メイビスビーコン)

パソコン: Congratulations.
パソコン: Use this power wisely.
パソコン: Key Code (Secret!!): [Alt] + [Tilde] + [Scroll Lock] + [Number]
 (キーコード(秘密で!!): [Alt] + [チルダ] + [Scroll Lock] + [数字]

After 30 years, I finally beat the end boss of Mavis Beacon and unlocked the ability to type capital numbers.

Alt-text: There are actually lowercase-like 'oldstyle' forms of normal numbers with more pronounced ascenders and descenders, which is why some numbers like '5' in books sometimes dangle below the line. But the true capital numbers remain the domain of number maven Mavis Beacon.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Types of Approximation - 近似の種類


Types of Approximation(近似の種類)

Physicist Approximations
男: We'll assume the curve of this rail is a circular arc with radius R.

Engineer Approximations
女: Let's assume this curve deviates from a circle by no more than 1 part in 1,000.

Cosmologist Approximations
ポニーテール: Assume pi is one.
欄外の声: Pretty sure it's bigger than that.
ポニーテール: OK, we can make it ten. Whatever.

Alt-text: It's not my fault I haven't had a chance to measure the curvature of this particular universe.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。