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xkcd: Ksp 2 - ksp2


Ksp 2(カーバル・スペース・プログラム2)

男(左端): Please hold off until the end of summer. We can't afford the personnel hit right before the late July launch window.
ポニーテール: People have already started calling in sick!
女(右端): Do you want a moon? We'll give you a moon!

NASA tries desperately to get the Kerbal Space Program team to delay KSP 2 until after the Mars 2020 mission launches.
 (NASAは、2020年火星ミッションが開始されるまで、Kerbal Space ProgramチームにKSP2を遅らせるよう、必死に努力している。)

Alt-text: "The committee appreciates that your 2020 launch is on track, but the 'human capital/personnel retention' budget includes a lot more unmarked cash payments than usual. What are th--" "Public outreach."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Prescience - 予知



男: You know, it's been a while since there's been a really big meteor impact.
欄外: Will you stop that?!

I say this kind of thing every so often, because I don't believe it affects the outcome and it has a slim chance of looking incredibly prescient.

Alt-text: Lots of people called their ships unsinkable before the Titanic. Voicing your hubris doesn't make failure more likely, just more memorable.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Earth-Like Exoplanet - 地球に似た系外惑星


Earth-Like Exoplanet(地球に似た系外惑星)

女: We've discovered the most earth-like exoplanet yet!
欄外の人: Yay!!

女: Well, it's in the habitable zone. Habitable-ish. "Habitable."
女: The survivable zone.

女: It's tidally locked. And blasted with stellar flares. And probably meteors. And bathed in acid.

女: But we've detected water vapor! In between all the swinging blades.
欄外の人: I see.
女: We're hoping to find biosignatures in the form of screaming.

Alt-text: Fire is actually a potential biosignature, since it means something is filling the atmosphere with an unstable gas like oxygen. If we find a planet covered in flames, it might be an indicator that it supports life. Or used to, anyway, before the fire.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Foucault Pendulum - フーコーの振り子


Foucault Pendulum(フーコーの振り子)

女: This Foucault pendulum demonstrates Earth's rotation. It stays in a fixed plane while the Earth rotates under it.

黒ハット: Hmm, really. So that means...

欄外の声: Hey!
欄外の声: Stop him!

ニュースキャスター: The Earth's rotation was briefly halted today until geophysicists wrestled the intruder to the ground...

Title text: Trust me, you don't want to get on the wrong side of the paramilitary enforcement arm of the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Unreachable State - 到達不能な状態


Unreachable State(到達不能な状態)


If you're seeing this, the code is in what I thought was an unreachable state.

I could give you advice for what to do. But honestly, why should you trust me? I clearly screwed this up. I'm writing a message that should never appear, yet I know it will probably appear someday.
On a deep level, I know I'm not up to this task. I'm so sorry.

Never write error messages tired.

Alt-text: ERROR: We've reached an unreachable state. Anything is possible. The limits were in our heads all along. Follow your dreams.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。