Picking Bad Stocks - 不良銘柄の選別
Picking Bad Stocks(不良銘柄の選別)
男: I feel like by now I should know about the stock market.
男: What is investing? Do you just open a website and pick the companies you like?
(投資って何?ウェブサイトを開いて、好きな会社を選べば良いの?)ポニーテール: Well, you totally can.
ポニーテール: But there's a lot of evidence that no investing strategy consistently picks stocks that outperform the average of the whole market. A lot of fund management is a myth.
(でも、どの投資戦略でも市場全体の平均を上回る銘柄を常に選んでいるわけではない事を示す証拠はたくさんあるわ。多くのファンド運用は神話よ。)男: Huh, okay.
ポニーテール: But there's a weird corollary to that idea: it implies that, ignoring fees and stuff, it's just as hard to consistently lose money by picking bad stocks from an index.
(でも、この考え方には奇妙な帰結があるの。つまり、手数料などを無視すると、インデックスから悪い銘柄を選んで常に損をし続けるのは難しいということを意味する。)ポニーテール: If someone could consistently buy bad stocks, you could beat the average by hiring them, letting them pretend to invest, then buying every stock except the ones they pick.
ポニーテール: In a way, bad judgement is just as helpful as good judgement.
(ある意味、悪い判断は良い判断と同じくらい役立つ。)男: Oh my God.
男: I can do that!
ポニーテール: No, it's just an example--
男: This is the job I was born for.
男: Hey, this company's CEO wants revenge on the same ghost as me! I'm buying!
男: Ooh, and this one is planning to develop a "Camping Roomba." That's a sure bet!
女: Drop companies #208 and #1434 from the index.
白ハット: Done.
(やった。)Alt-text: On the news a few days later: "Buzz is building around the so-called 'camping Roomba' after a big investment. Preorders have spiked, and..."