Coronavirus Name - コロナウイルスの名前
Coronavirus Name(コロナウイルスの名前)
ポニーテール: Feels like we missed the window for the "COVID-19" renaming. "Coronavirus" is just too catchy.
男: But it's not specific! There are a lot of coronaviruses.
(でも、それだと曖昧だろ!コロナウイルスはたくさんあるし。)ポニーテール: I think it's fine. It's like, you know the giant spider downtown that sits on the buildings and sometimes eats cars? I think technically it's a mutant T. annexa wolf spider, but everyone is just calling it "the spider" and we all know what they mean.
女: I've been meaning to ask, what's with that spider? Should something?
ポニーテール: Honestly I've been too busy with the virus stuff to look into it-I just changed my commute to avoid Main St.
(正直なところ、私はウイルスのことで忙しくて調べられなかった...。メインストリートを避けるために通勤路を変更しただけ。)男: Yeah, that's fair. One thing at a time.
(ああ、それが妥当だ。一度に一つずつだ。)Alt-text: It's important to keep the spider from touching your face.