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Party Quadrants - パーティ四分儀


Party Quadrants(パーティ四分儀)

Fun for me[No Yes]
 (自分の楽しみ[はい いいえ])
Fun for guests[No Yes]
 (ゲストの楽しみ[はい いいえ])

Sporcle geography tournament
with snacks!
Live-updating scoreboard, no distracting music

Appropriate zone for a party
Appropriate for my birthday party

I keep accidentally planning parties in the top right quadrant.

Alt-text: Single-elimination might provide more drama, but I think we can all agree that a comprehensive numerical scoring system will let us better judge the party's winner.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

For the Sake of Simplicity - 単純化のため


For the Sake of Simplicity(単純化のため)

男: You may assign each gardener's token to a secondary garden plot within a 30-minute walk from their home plot.
男: For the sake of simplicity, each gardener is assumed to have a constant walking speed proportional to their height and cardio score.
男: For the sake of simplicity, cardio scores are inherited matrilineally...
If you're worried that you're making something too complicated, just add "for the sake of simplicity" now and then as a reminder that it could always be worse.

Alt-text: For the sake of simplicity, gardeners are assumed to move through Euclidean space--neglecting the distortion from general relativity--unless they are in the vicinity of a Schwarzschild Orchid.
 (単純化のため、庭師はユークリッド空間を移動すると仮定する --般相対性理論による歪みは無視する-- ただし,シュヴァルツシルト・オーキッドの近くにいる場合はこの限りではない。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Greek Letters - ギリシャ文字


Greek Letters(ギリシャ文字)

What Greek letters mean in equations

π This math is either very simple or impossible.
Δ Something has changed.
δ Something has changed and it's a mathematician's fault.
θ Circles!
 (O R B S)
ϵ Not important, don't worry about it.
υ,ν Is that a V or a U? Or...oh no, it's one of those.
μ This math is cool but it's not about anything that you will ever see or touch, so whatever.
Σ Thank you for purchasing Addition Pro®!
 (Addition Pro®をご購入いただきありがとうございます。)
Π ...and the Multiplication® expansion pack!
ζ This math will only lead to more math.
β There are just too many coefficients.
α Oh boy, now this is math about something real. This is math that could kill someone.
Ω Oooh, some mathematician thinks their function is cool and important.
ω A lot of work went into these equations and you are going to die here among them.
σ Some poor soul is trying to apply this math to real life and it's not working.
ξ Either this is terrifying mathematics or there was a hair on the scanned page.
γ Zoom pew pew pew [space noises] zoooom!
 (ズーン ピュー ピュー ピュー ピュー【宇宙音】ズーン!)
ρ Unfortunately, the test vehicle suffered an unexpected wing separation event.
Ξ Greetings! We hope to learn a great deal by exchanging knowledge with your Earth mathematicians.
ψ You have entered the domain of King Trition, ruler of the waves.

Alt-text: If you ever see someone using a capital xi in an equation, just observe them quietly to learn as much as you can before they return to their home planet.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Rounding - 丸め



男: I can ride my bike at 45 MPH.
If you round.

17 MPH(17マイル/時)
8 meters/sec(8メートル/時)
16 knots(16ノット)
5 fathoms/sec(5ファゾム/秒)
3 furlongs/min(3ファーロング/分)
6 fathoms/sec(6ファゾム/秒)
40 KPH(40キロメートル/時)
22 knots(22ノット)
41 KPH(41キロメートル/時)
204 furlongs/hr(ハロン/時)
26 MPH(26マイル/時)
12 M/S(12メートル/秒)
4 furlongs/min(ハロン/分)
15 yards/sec(15ヤード/秒)
8 fathoms/sec(8ファゾム/秒)
15 M/S(15メートル/秒)
34 MPH(34マイル/時)
5 furlongs/min(5ファゾム/分)
33 knots(33ノット)
19 yards/sec(19ヤード/秒)
10 fathoms/sec(10ファゾム/秒)
36 knots(36ノット)
6 furlongs/min(6ハロン/ふん)
45 MPH(45マイル/時)

Alt-text: I've developed a novel propulsion system powered by loss of precision in unit conversion.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Headline Words - 見出し語


Headline Words

女: Maybe Rob shouldn't host the party. He has cats and some of us are allergic.
男: Wow, major snub for widely-touted top spot as lavish gala bid nixed.
女: Why are you talking so weird? Please stop.

男: Ill-advised scheme mulled as tension mounts amid growing backlash.

My project to speak only in weird headline words didn't last long.

Alt-text: Roundly-condemned headlinese initiative shuttered indefinitely.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。