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Graphic Designers - グラフィックデザイナー


Graphic Designers(グラフィックデザイナー)

男: Come on in! We just repainted.
ニット帽: I... can't.

If you want to set up a vampire-style barrier to keep graphic designers from entering your house, just paint every surface a slightly different shade of off-white.

Alt-text: They might make it past that first line of defense. For the second, you'll need some picture frames, a level, and a protractor that can do increments of less than a degree.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Salary Negotiation - 給料交渉


Salary Negotiation(給料交渉)

ポニーテール: We'd like to extend an offer! The starting salary is $55,000.
男: Wow. I guess I'm inside a negotiation!
ポニーテール: I... Weird to phrase it like that, but-
男: I can do this.

男: I won't accept a penny over $50,000. Sorry, I mean under. Under $60. I mean, $600. Thousand. $600,000. I want a 15% cut of the salary. Raise. Double down. Fold. Pass. Fill it up with regular.

ポニーテール: Are you-
男: Sorry, sorry. Let me start over.
男: OK, my chart says...
男: ...Can I borrow a calculator? What's 20% of $55,000?

ポニーテール: Listen, if you need to-
男: I won't take this job for less than $61,333 point 3 repeating!
ポニーテール: Sure, $61,333 is fine. That's actually-
男: Point 3 repeating or I walk!
 (ポイント3 繰り返すか、あるくか!)

Alt-text: "We can do 0.33 or 0.34, but our payroll software doesn't allow us to--" "NO DEAL."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Galaxies - 銀河系



Open this picture fullscreen on your phone and hold it at arm's length.

There are 50,000 galaxies in this circle.

Astronomy Fact: There are too many galaxies.
 (天文学の事実: 銀河系は多すぎる。)

Alt-text: I know it seems overwhelming, but don't worry; I'm sure most of them have only a few stars, and probably no planets.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Advanced Techniques - 高度なテクニック


Advanced Techniques(高度なテクニック)

先生: To solve this equation, we invoke Gauss's operator to transform it into a dragon.
先生: Then we slay the dragon with Hilbert's Arrow, and transform its corpse back into the solution.
生徒: Just to be clear, this is a metaphor, right?
先生: Does this look like English class?!

All advanced math techniques

Alt-text: A blow from Emmy's Cutlass of Variations will transport the dragon to a corresponding symmetric position in the Noetherworld.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Consensus Time - コンセンサスタイム


Consensus Time(コンセンサスタイム)

Proposal: Consensus Time
Every day, anyone in the time zone can press a button when they feel like it's 9 AM. The next day, clocks slow down or speed up to match the median choice from the previous day.

Alt-text: Now, you may argue that the varying hour lengths and feedback effects would cause chaos. To which I say, yeah, and I'm also curious to see how the weekday cycle interacts with it! So, you in?


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。