Graphic Designers - グラフィックデザイナー
Graphic Designers(グラフィックデザイナー)
男: Come on in! We just repainted.
ニット帽: I... can't.
(...無理。)If you want to set up a vampire-style barrier to keep graphic designers from entering your house, just paint every surface a slightly different shade of off-white.
(グラフィックデザイナーが家に入らないよう、吸血鬼のみたいなバリアを張りたいなら、全ての面を少しずつ違う色合いのオフホワイトに塗ればいい。)Alt-text: They might make it past that first line of defense. For the second, you'll need some picture frames, a level, and a protractor that can do increments of less than a degree.