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Chorded Keyboard - コーディッドキーボード


Chorded Keyboard(コーディッドキーボード)

I heard there was a secret chord
That David pressed and it typed a word
But you don't use a chorded keyboard, do you
It goes like this, and
The other hand hits H and
And all at once it types out

画面上: Hallelujah

Alt-text: And even though it all went wrong / I'll stand before the lord of song / with nothing on my tongue but 'I don't understand, I swear I backed up my keyboard config before messing with it'


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Data Trap - データトラップ


Data Trap

男: Hey, look, we have a bunch of data! I'm gonna analyze it.
女: No, you fool! That will only create more data!
Alt-text: It's important to make sure your analysis destroys as much information as it produces.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Health Stats - ヘルス統計


Health Stats(ヘルス統計)

[New health stat!](新しいヘルス統計!)
Left hand blood volume: 21.83 mL
 (左手の血流量: 21.83ml)

男: Oh. Cool. Not sure how to interpret that, but good to know, I guess.
欄外の声: I guess!

Left hand blood volume: 21.81 mL
 (左手の血流量: 21.81ml)

男: Huh, it's going down. I guess that happens.
欄外の声: Mhm.

Left hand blood volume: 21.86 mL
 (左手の血流量: 21.86ml)

男: Oh weird, now it's going up higher than before.
欄外の声: Maybe you shouldn't look at-

Left hand blood volume: 22.09 mL
 (左手の血流量: 22.09ml)

男: It's going way up! Is my hand exploding?!
男: And now my pulse is rising! Aaaaa!!!!
欄外の声: So sorry. We will treasure your memory.

Alt-text: You will live on forever in our hearts, pushing a little extra blood toward our left hands now and then to give them a squeeze.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Rest and Fluids - 休息と水分


Rest and Fluids(休息と水分)

黒ハット: So glad you're feeling better!
黒ハット: Be sure to get dehydrated and run on a treadmill until you black out!

Once people aren't sick anymore, it's important to remind them to stop resting and drinking fluids.

Alt-text: Remember not to take it easy. Put a hot washcloth on your forehead, remain standing, and breathe dry air while taking lots of histamines. You need to give your body a chance to get sick again.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Tractor Beam - トラクタービーム


Tractor Beam(トラクタービーム)

Does this beam only lift me? How do you avoid pulling up dirt and leaves and stuff? If I kick off my shoes, will they fall?
Is my weight pulling your ship downward? What will happen if a bat flies through the beam?
Hey, why does your ship have those blinky lights? Are they...

Moments later, the aliens set me back down and left.

Alt-text: Did you base the saucer shape on pop culture depictions of aliens, or was that stuff based on your ships? Does the rotational symmetry help with ... hey, where are you going?


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。