Iceberg Efficiency - 氷山の効率
Iceberg Efficiency(氷山の効率)
黒ハット: A standard iceberg is only 10% efficient.
黒ハット: 90% of the ice is hidden underwater, totally wasted.
(氷の90%は水中に隠れており、まったくの無駄となっている。)黒ハット: Our next-generation foam-filled iceberg achieves near-100% efficiency, floating almost entirely above the ocean surface.
(私たちの次世代型の泡入り氷山は、ほぼ100%に近い効率を達成し、ほぼ完全に海面上に浮いている。)黒ハット: "But wait," you might be thinking. "How will such a lightweight iceberg pose a threat to hubristic ocean liners?"
黒ハット: That's where the torpedoes come in.
(そこで魚雷の出番である。)欄外の声1: I'm sorry, what project are you part of, again?
欄外の声2: I assumed he was with you.
欄外の声3: Security?
(まじですか?)Alt-text: Our experimental aerogel iceberg with helium pockets manages true 100% efficiency, barely touching the water, and it can even lift off of the surface and fly to more efficiently pursue fleeing hubristic liners.