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Iceberg Efficiency - 氷山の効率


Iceberg Efficiency(氷山の効率)

黒ハット: A standard iceberg is only 10% efficient.
黒ハット: 90% of the ice is hidden underwater, totally wasted.

黒ハット: Our next-generation foam-filled iceberg achieves near-100% efficiency, floating almost entirely above the ocean surface.

黒ハット: "But wait," you might be thinking. "How will such a lightweight iceberg pose a threat to hubristic ocean liners?"
黒ハット: That's where the torpedoes come in.

欄外の声1: I'm sorry, what project are you part of, again?
欄外の声2: I assumed he was with you.
欄外の声3: Security?

Alt-text: Our experimental aerogel iceberg with helium pockets manages true 100% efficiency, barely touching the water, and it can even lift off of the surface and fly to more efficiently pursue fleeing hubristic liners.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Exoplanet Observation - 太陽系外惑星の観測


Exoplanet Observation(太陽系外惑星の観測)

男: When the planet passed in front of its host star, some of the light was absorbed by ghosts, indicating that the planet is likely haunted.

Exoplanet Spectral Analysis

Alt-text: Exoplanet Spectral Analysis


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Brassica - アブラナ属



男1: Did you know the mighty redwood is actually the same species as broccoli and kale? It's just a different cultivar.
男2,3: Wow!

Every year or two, botanists add another plant to Brassica oleracea and see if anyone calls them on it.

Alt-text: Sequoia Brussels sprouts are delicious but it's pretty hard to finish one.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Gold - 金



男: It kinda makes sense that we use gold for wedding rings.

男: Because a lot of the universe's gold was probably produced by R-process nucleosynthesis when pairs of neutron stars spiraled together and merged.
男: So gold exists because two neutron stars got married.

女: "Binary neutron star merger" would be a fun wedding theme.
男: Everyone has to try not to catch the relativistically-ejected bouquet.

Alt-text: It can be expensive to hire a professional spectroscopist for your wedding, but the quality of the spectra you get is worth it.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Autumn and Fall - 秋と秋


Autumn and Fall(秋と秋)

Meteorological End of Summer

Fall Equinox

Now that summer is over, the first day of fall is just a few weeks away!

Alt-text: Of course in reality this is just a US/UK thing; in British English, 'fall' is the brief period in between and 'autumn' is the main season.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。