Factorial Numbers(階乗)
Variable-base Factoradic™ numbers
男: Small numbers like seven or nineteen shouldn't use big numerals like "7" or "9".
男: I mean, "9" is the biggest numeral we have! It should be reserved for big numbers.
男: Small numbers should be written with small numerals like "1" or "2".
男: That's why my variable-base system uses...Hey! No, listen!
(だから私の可変ベースシステムは......おい! いや、聞いてくれ!)
Factorial numbers are the number system that sounds most like a prank by someone who's about to be escorted out of the math department by security.
Alt-text: So what do we do when we get to base 10? Do we use A, B, C, etc? No: Numbers larger than about 3.6 million are simply illegal.