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Unpopular Opinions - 受けが悪い意見


Unpopular Opinions(受けが悪い意見)

Unpopular positive opinion challenge:

Name a movie that...

(1) you genuinely like (not "so bad it's good")

(2) came out in your adult life post-2000, and

(3) is rated below 50% on Rotten Tomatoes.
 (Rotten Tomatoes(アメリカの映画評論サイト)上で50%以下と評価される。)

ポニーテール: Wow, this is harder than I thought.
男: ...Terminator Genisys?
黒髪の女: Seriously?!
男: I like time travel, okay??

When people talk about their "unpopular opinions" about movies, they usually mean hating something everyone likes, but liking something everyone hates is much harder.

Alt-text: I wasn't a big fan of 3 or Salvation, so I'm trying to resist getting my hopes up too much for Dark Fate, but it's hard. I'm just a sucker for humans and robots traveling through time to try to drive trucks into each other, apparently.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Icon Swap - アイコン取り換え


Icon Swap(アイコン取り換え)

Books finished over time

I'm not saying I have a problem compulsively checking news and social media on my phone, but when I replace the social media app icon with my eBook reader, I read a half-dozen books before I get used to the change.

Alt-text: Someone's probably working on an eBook app where, if you stop reading right before some plot twist happens, the app will wait a while and then send you a breaking news alert about what's happening, prompting you to open it and read the next few pages to learn more.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

When I'm Back at a Keyboard - キーボードに戻ったら


When I'm Back at a Keyboard(キーボードに戻ったら)

スマホ入力: Sure, I can reply once I'm back at a keyboard and can type more easily.

I say this a lot for someone who routinely types thousands of words in text message conversations when someone brings up Jurassic Park.

Alt-text: [after typing 1,500 words on feathered dinosaurs, paleontology, sexism, lava, and dinosaurs as animals rather than movie monsters] Sorry to cut it short, I'm on my phone. When I'm back at a keyboard, I can give you another 5,000 words.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Inbox - 受信トレイ



女: Answering email is the worst. It just leads to getting more email.
男: Yeah, email is a trap.

女: I bet the reason the Ancient Romans got so much done was that they had no concept of Inbox Zero.
男: That explains it.

Alt-text: Rome's declaration of war against Carthage was sent from a no-reply address, so Hannibal had to cross the Alps to deliver his "UNSUBSCRIBE" response in person.
 (カルタゴに対するローマの宣戦布告は、返信不可アドレスから送られてきたので、ハンニバルはアルプスを渡って彼の 「購読解除」の返答を直接伝えなければならなかった。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Spreadsheets - 表計算



天使: Don't use a spreadsheet! Do it right.
悪魔: But a spreadsheet would be so easy.
天使: In the long run you'll regret it!

天使: Take the time to write real code.
悪魔: Just paste the data! Tinker until it works!
悪魔: Build a labyrinth of REGEXREPLACE() and ARRAYFORMULA()!
悪魔: Feel the power!

天使: Fight the temptation!
悪魔: Ever tried QUERY() in Google Sheets? It lets you treat a block of cells like a database and run SQL queries on them.
 (Google SheetsでQUERY()を試したことあるか?これで、セルのブロックをデータベースのように扱って、SQLクエリを実行できる。)

天使: Don't listen to--
天使: ... wait, really?
悪魔: Yes, and let me tell you about IMPORTHTML() ...
天使: Oooh...

Alt-text: My brother once asked me if there was a function to produce a calendar grid from a list of dates in Google Sheets. I replied with a single-cell formula that took in a list of dates and outputted a calendar. It used SEQUENCE(), REGEXMATCH(), and a double-nested ARRAYFORMULA(), and it locked up the browser for 15 seconds every time it ran. I think he learned a lot about asking me things.
 (僕の兄弟はかつて、Google Sheetsの日付リストからカレンダーグリッドを作成する機能があるかどうか尋ねてきた。僕は日付リストを取り入れ、カレンダーを出力する単一セル式を答えた。SEQUENCE()、REGEXMATCH()、および二重にネストされたARRAYFORMULA()を使用し、実行するたびに15秒間ブラウザがロックした。彼は僕に物を尋ねることについて多くを学んだと思う。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。