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NWS Warnings - アメリカ国立測候所の警告


NWS Warnings(アメリカ国立測候所の警告)

Alert: Everyone Just Keep An Eye Out In General

When the National Weather Service needs to take a day off, they just issue warnings for everything so no one is caught by surprise.

Alt-text: Kind of rude of them to simultaneously issue an EVACUATION - IMMEDIATE alert, a SHELTER IN PLACE alert, and a 911 TELEPHONE OUTAGE alert.
 (退避 - 即座警告、シェルター内避難警告、および911への電話提供停止警告を同時発行する、ちょっとした乱暴なそれら。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Expiration Date High Score - 賞味期限ハイスコア


Expiration Date High Score(賞味期限ハイスコア)

What's the most expired item you've found in your house?

Calculate your expiration date high score (must be something you purchased)

Score = (year you found item) - (year item expired) / (your age when you found it) X 100
 (点数 = (品物を見つけた年) - (品物の期限切れ年数) / (それを見つけた時の年齢) X 100)

女: These beans expired in 2010! That's... let's see... 24.3! New personal best!

男: You are never going to beat your mom's jar of pickles from 1978.

女: Maybe there are more cans in there. Remind me not to look until 2030.

男: This is the worst competition.

Alt-text: "Wait, we've MOVED since 2010. How on Earth did--" "Look, some of us were just born to be champions."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Gastroenterology - 消化器病学



帽子の男: Hurry, they're right behind us!

女: So what's gastroenterology like?
ポニーテール: Pretty boring. Lotta paperwork.

Alt-text: "Mostly it means that I'm acutely aware that the kid one table over coughed as the server walked past with our food."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

How Hacking Works - ハッキングのお仕事


How Hacking Works(ハッキングの作業)

Control, we have flown to the USA and breached the target's house.
They wrote all their passwords in a book labeled "Passwords"!
The fool!

How people think hacking works

Hey look, someone leaked the emails and passwords from the Smash Mouth message boards.
Cool, let's try them all on Venmo.

How it actually works

Alt-text: If only somebody had warned them that the world would roll them like this.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。

Flag Interpretation - 旗の解釈


Flag Interpretation(旗の解釈)

Someone important died
Someone died but we're not sure how we feel about them
Everyone important died
Someone important was successfully cloned
An important person died battling their evil clone
Nobody has died for weeks and that seems good but statistically it's very alarming.
Someone diverted a trolley to save five people by killing one important person
The person who knows where the flag is stored at night died.

Alt-text: When Salvador Dalí died, it took months to get all the flagpoles sufficiently melted.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2019年) です。