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Common Star Types - 一般的な星の種類


Common Star Types(一般的な星の種類)

Common star types(一般的な星の種類)

Yellow dwarf(黄色矮星/イエロードワーフ)
Warm, stable, slowly-growing

White dwarf(白色矮星/ホワイトドワーフ)
Small, hot, dim

Red giant(赤色巨星/レッドジャイアント)
Huge, cool, luminous

Red dwarf(赤色矮星/レッドドワーフ)
Small, cool, ancient, dim

Green elf(グリーンエルフ)
Old, diminishes into the west

Blue giant(緑色巨星/グリーンジャイアント)
Large, hot, short-lived

Teal sphynx(青緑スフィンクス)
Cryptic, eternal

Gray wizard(グレイウィザード)
Wise, powerful, mercurial

Indigo banshee(インディゴバンシー)
Bright, portentous, extremely loud

Beige gorgon(ベージュゴルゴン)
Dangerous to observe at optical wavelengths.

Alt-text: This article is about Eta Carinae, a luminous blue hypergiant with anomalous Fe[ii] emission spectra. For the 1998 Brad Bird film, see The Iron Giant (film).
 (この記事は、Fe[ii] の発光スペクトルが異常な青色超巨星、りゅうこつ座イータ星についての記事だ。1998年のブラッド・バード映画については The Iron Giant (映画) を参照の事。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Evidence of Alien Life - 宇宙人生存の証拠


Evidence of Alien Life(宇宙人生存の証拠)

Not Cautious Enough / Appropriately Cautious/ Too Cautious
 (慎重さが足りない / 適度に慎重 / 慎重すぎ)

Weak Evidence of Alien Life/ Promising Evidence/ Definite Evidence
 (宇宙人生存の弱い証拠 / 有望な証拠 / 確実な証拠)

男: This asteroid is probably an alien probe!
男: This asteroid is weird and we should take a closer look; It's not aliens
男: This asteroid appears to be far away, but it could also be nearby and just very small

ポニーテール: They found life on Venus!
ポニーテール: Theses molecules might be produced by life or by weird high-heat chemistry
ポニーテール: There is growing evidence that the atmosphere on Venus contains molecules

男: I'm going to go give those aliens a hug!
男: Oh wow, aliens! Should we try to communicate?
女: The energy beams vaporizing the United Nations could be a possible biosignature

Alt-text: Both too cautious AND not cautious enough: "I'm skeptical that those are aliens, so I'm going to try pulling off their masks."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Gravitational Wave Pulsars - 重力波パルサー


Gravitational Wave Pulsars(重力波パルサー)

ポニーテール: Ask me what the secret to detecting gravitational waves using pulsars is.

男: What's the secret to detecting grav--

ポニーテール: Timing!

Alt-text: The most important attributes of a vector in 3-space are {Location, Location, Location}
 (3D空間におけるベクトルの最も重要な属性は {位置, 位置, 位置} だ。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Polls vs the Street - 世論調査と街頭調査


Polls vs the Street(世論調査と街頭調査)

白ハット: Polls are just numbers.
白ハット: You have to talk to people on the street.
白ハット: Polls say most people support .
白ハット: But the people I talk to on the street support .
白ハット: Polls claim most people don't live in my town and have never been here.
白ハット: But the people I meet on the street tell a very different story.
白ハット: According to polls, most people don't like playing in traffic.
白ハット: So why do I never seem to meet these people on the street?

Alt-text: Other pollsters complain about declining response rates, but our poll showed that 96% of respondents would be 'somewhat likely' or 'very likely' to agree to answer a series of questions for a survey.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Constellation Monstrosity - 星座の怪物


Constellation Monstrosity(星座の怪物)


I got kicked out of the International Astronomical Union for adding extra lines between the constellations to create a monstrosity.

Alt-text: It's rare to get both astronomers and astrologers equally mad at you, but apparently I've messed up both a bunch of star location databases AND the will of the fates.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。