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Statistics - 統計



Y軸: COVID cases.

placebo group
vaccine group

Statistics tip: Always try to get data that's good enough that you don't need to do statistics on it

Alt-text: We reject the null hypothesis based on the 'hot damn, check out this chart' test.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

2020 Election Map - 2020年選挙地図


2020 Election Map(2020年選挙地図)

2020 Election Map

Votes are distributed by state as accurately as possible while keeping national totals correct.
Location within each state is approximate.

Alt-text: There are more Trump voters in California than Texas, more Biden voters in Texas than New York, more Trump voters in New York than Ohio, more Biden voters in Ohio than Massachusetts, more Trump voters in Massachusetts than Mississippi, and more Biden voters in Mississippi than Vermont.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Vaccine Tracker - ワクチントラッカー


Vaccine Tracker(ワクチントラッカー)

女: What are you up to?
男: You know how when I have a package coming, I sit here refreshing the package tracker?
女: Is that the state vaccine website?


女: You know it will be a while before you can-


女: They haven't even announced when-


女: Are you going to sit there clicking refresh for several months?
男: I am ready for the pandemic to be done.

Alt-text: *refresh* Aww, still in Kalamazoo. *refresh* Aww, still in Kalamazoo.
 (*更新* ああ、まだカラマズーにいる。*更新* ああ、まだカラマズーにいる。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

I Just Don't Trust Them - 信用できない


I Just Don't Trust Them(信用できない)

Cueball: I just don't trust them, and I don't want to put something they developed into my body.

How I feel about bats

Alt-text: I believe in getting immunity the old-fashioned way: By letting a bat virus take control of my lungs and turn my face into a disgusting plague fountain while my immune system desperately Googles 'how to make spike protein antibodies'.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。

Wonder Woman 1984 - ワンダーウーマン1984


Wonder Woman 1984(ワンダーウーマン1984)

ポニーテール: Just two weeks until I see Wonder Woman 1984, learn who the Democratic nominee was, and find out how the election went.

男: Huh?

ポニーテール: To avoid spoilers, I blocked all news sites ahead of the November 2019 release.
ポニーテール: But then they bumped the date on my ticket to June 2020, and now December 25th.
ポニーテール: It also moved to a drive-in theater? Some retro promotion, maybe.

男: Wait, you haven't seen any news?
ポニーテール: Nope!
男: So you don't know about -
ポニーテール: No spoilers!

男: Okay. Just...
男: Bring a mask, in case you need to get out of the car.
ポニーテール: Oh, I'll have a full costume! But it's a tiara, not a mask.

Alt-text: 'Wait, why would you think a movie set in 1984 would do drive-ins as a retro promotion?' 'You know, 80s stuff. Drive-in movies. Britney Spears doing the hustle. Elvis going on Ed Sullivan and showing off his pog collection.' 'What year were you born, again?'
 (「待てよ、なんで1984年を舞台にした映画がレトロプロモーションとしてドライブインシアターをやると思うんだ?」「80年代のものでしょ。ドライブインシアターって。ブリトニースピアーズがハッスルして エルビスがエド・サリバンに扮して ポグ・コレクションを披露したり」「君は何年生まれだっけ?」)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2020年) です。