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The Last Molecule - 最後の分子


The Last Molecule(最後の分子)

ポニーテール: With the discovery of the last molecule, I'm pleased to announce that chemistry is finally complete.
ポニーテール: Best of luck to our competitors in their race for second place.

Alt-text: Biology is really struggling; they're barely at 93% and they keep finding more ants.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Debunking - 暴露記事



AP photos show Dr. Fauci's office contains a normal number of microwaves.
Fact check: singer Billie Eilish was born years after the TWA Flight 800 explosion.
Vaccinated people can remove their hats without trouble by tugging upward, say doctors.
Physicists say Dorito powder is affected by gravity.
Steering wheels will work normally on Dec 12th; make left and right turns as usual.
CNN investigation; Santa's skin is dry and healthy this year, with the same amount of oil as before.

I don't know whether the "Don't repeat the claim in the headline debunking it" thing works or not, but it definitely makes reading the news weird.

Alt-text: Mark Zuckerberg has only neutral feelings toward Peppa Pig, who he understands is a fictional character, and he blames the coronavirus pandemic on other factors.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Webb - ウェッブ



男: The hexagons are nice. But why does it end at 22?
Astronomer Advent Calendar

Alt-text: Each one contains a chocolate shaped like a famous spacecraft and, for the later numbers, a pamphlet on managing anxiety.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Edge Cake - エッジケーキ


Edge Cake(エッジケーキ)

女: Happy birthday, Emily!
男: Wait, wasn't that last month? When's your birthday, anyways?
エミリー: It's complicated.

エミリー: My mom went into labor on an arctic international flight that diverted directly over the North Pole.
エミリー: I was born in every time zone at once.

エミリー: It was also February 29th, and the airline was just changing ownership between countries.
エミリー: The International Bureau of Weights and Measures finally issued a declaration that it's my birthday whenever I want.
エミリー: Cake?
男: Nice, it's all edge pieces.

Alt-text: Every time IERS adds or removes a leap second, they send me a birthday cake out of superstition.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Awful People - ひどい奴ら


Awful People(ひどい奴ら)

男: The Internet makes it easy to be a jerk and forget the person we're talking to is a human.
女: Yeah...
女: But it also makes us see messages from awful people and assume they come from normal peers.

女: Recently I got a mean reply from a stranger. It was minor but it really got to me.

投稿タイトル: Replies to "Favorite Movie"
 (「好きな映画 」に対する返信)
投稿: Every group has one person who likes that movie, and it's the friend they all secretly hate.

ニュースキャスター: Then the next week I saw that guy on the news. He was an actual murderer!

女: I can't believe I spent a week stressed out that my taste in movies wasn't shared by the East Valley Strangler.
男: Yeah, at least wait for a second opinion from the Lake Slayer.

Alt-text: Hm, this burger place has a couple of good reviews, but LakeSlayer7 says he got food poisoning there and everyone should try this other place down by the lake instead.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。