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Censored Vaccine Card - 検閲済みワクチンカード


Censored Vaccine Card(検閲済みワクチンカード)

Check it out, I just got my booster!

COVID-■ Vaccination record card
 (COVID-■ ワクチン接種記録カード)
Please keep this record card, which includes ■ about ■
Por favor, guarde esta tarjeta de registro, que incluve ■ ■ sobre ■

Security tip: to seem more mysterious, try censeoring only non-identifying information.

Alt-text: CVS's pharmacies are fine, but I much prefer their [censored]s.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Dark Arts - ダークアーツ


Dark Arts(ダークアーツ)

男: Long ago, in another age, I mastered these dark arts.
男: But I now endeavor to live my life such that I never need them.
男: Their power leads only to ruin.

My response whenever anyone asks me to mess around with filesystems

Alt-text: You think, 'okay, THIS is an ideal use case for hardlinks!' but then 6 months later you're doing some extremely cursed Google search like 'javascript ext4' and wondering where things went wrong.
 (君は「よし、これはハードリンクの理想的な使用例だ!」と思っても、半年後には「javascript ext4」のような非常に呪われたGoogle検索をして、どこで間違ったのかと考えていることだろう。)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Clinical Trials - 臨床試験


Clinical Trials(臨床試験)

1. Come up with new idea
 (1. 新しいアイデアを考える)
2. Convince people it's good
 (2. 人々に良いものだと納得させる)
 ← 3. Check whether it works
 (3. 使えるかどうか確認する)
3 4. New idea is adopted
 (4. 新しいアイデアを採用する)

The invention of clinical trials.

Alt-text: We don't need to do a clinical trial of this change because the standard of care is to adopt new ideas without doing clinical trials.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Unsolved Math Problems - 数学上の未解決問題


Unsolved Math Problems(数学上の未解決問題)

The Three Types Of Unsolved Math Problem(数学上の未解決問題、3つのタイプ)

[Weirdly Abstract]
Is the Euler Field Manifold Hypergroup Isomorphic to a Gödel-Klein Meta-Algebreic ε<0 Quasimonoid Conjection under Sondheim Calculus?
 (オイラーフィールド多様性ハイパーグループはソンドハイム微積分の下でゲーテルクライン・メタ代数 ε<0 準モノイド推測と同型に同型であるか?)
Or is the question ill-formed?

[Weirdly Concrete]
If I walk randomly on a grid, never visiting any square twice, placing a marble every N steps, on average how many marbles will be in the longest line after N*K steps?
Somehow the answer is important in like three unrelated fields.

What in God's name is going on with this curve?
Is it even math?

Alt-text: After decades of studying the curve and the procedure that generates it, the consensus explanation is "it's just like that."


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。

Flag Map Sabotage- 国旗マップ妨害


Flag Map Sabotage(国旗マップ妨害)

Map Legend(マップの凡例)
Disputed territory(紛争中の領土)
Newly independent(新たな独立国)
Demilitarized zone(非武装地帯)
Tornado warning(竜巻警報)
Held by rebel forces(反乱軍保有地域)
Greater Delaware(大デラウエア)

Our new country's flag sabotages those maps where geographic areas are colored in with flag patterns.

Alt-text: Delaware hopes to explore the western edge of areas marked with the Belgian flag, once the tornadoes die down.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2021年) です。