Daylight Calendar - 日照カレンダー
Daylight Calendar(日照カレンダー)
女: Ugh, I hate November. It's 26:15 and the sun is setting again!
(うう、11月は嫌いだ。今、26:15。また日が沈んでしまった!)女: 3-day days are the worst.
(1日が3日間って最悪だね。)男: I like it. I know it's dark, but it's nice to have the extra time on deadlines.
(僕は好きだよ。暗いのはわかるけど、締め切りまでの時間が長くなるのはいいことだよ。)In our new calendar system, the date changes after every 12 hours of daylight, regardless of how long that takes.
(新しいカレンダーシステムでは、日照時間が12時間経過するごとに、時間に関係なく日付が変わります。)Alt-text: Could be worse. In some towns north of here, it's already December, and the 21st will last for nearly a week.