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Extended NFPA Hazard Diamond - 拡張NFPAハザードダイアモンド


Extended NFPA Hazard Diamond(拡張NFPAハザードダイアモンド)

Know your extended NFPA hazard diamond:

Health hazard
Number of digits in the street value ($/gram)
(Special hazard)
How much of a hassle it is to dispose of
Number of federal agencies who want to know if you have any
How many times you have to scrub your hands after touching it before they stop smelling weird
Number of times it's caused one of those terrifying lab accidents that chemists tell scary stories about late at night

Alt-text: With most labs, the hushed horror stories are about something like dimethylmercury or prions, but occasionally you'll get a weird lab where it's about the soda machine or the drop ceiling.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Roman Numerals - ローマ数字


Roman Numerals(ローマ数字)


Remember, Roman numerals are archaic, so always replace them with modern ones when doing math.

Alt-text: 100he100k out th1s 1nno5at4e str1ng en100o501ng 15e been 500e5e50op1ng! 1t's 6rtua100y perfe100t! ...hang on, what's a "virtuacy"?

 (「CheCk out thIs InnoVatIVe strIng enCoDIng I'Ve been DeVeLopIng! It's VIrtuaLLy perfeCt!(私が開発した革新的な文字列エンコーディングを見てください。これは事実上完璧!)」...ちょっと待て、「virtuacy」ってなんだ?)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

What If? 2 Countdown - ホワット・イフ2へのカウントダウン


What If? 2 Countdown(ホワット・イフ2へのカウントダウン)

Countdown to What If? 2
(Preorder at to get it at the end of the counddown)
 (( で予約するとこのカウントダウンの最後の日に入手できます))

Alt-text: If you don't end the 99 Bottles of Beer recursion at N=0 it just becomes The Other Song That Never Ends.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Superintelligent AIs - 超知的AI


Superintelligent AIs(超知的AI)

AI1: What you don't understand is that Turing intended his test as an illustration of the...
 (あなたが理解していないのは チューリングが彼のテストを...の実例として意図したことです )
AI2: But suppose the AI in the the box told the human that...
 (しかし 箱の中のAIが人間に...と言ったとしたら)
AI3: In my scenario, the runaway trolley has three tracks...

In retrospect, given that the superintelligent AIs were all created by AI researchers, what happened shouldn't have been a surprise.

Alt-text: Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they should, they didn't stop to think if they could.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Red Line Through HTTPS - HTTPSの赤い線


Red Line Through HTTPS(HTTPSの赤い線)

白ハット: What does the red line through https mean?

男: Oh, just that the site hasn't been updated since 2015 or so.
男: And since it's been around that long it means it's probably legit.

Alt-text: Some organization has been paying to keep this up and it hasn't been removed from search results. Seems like two votes of confidence to me.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。