Astronomer Hotline - 天文学者ホットライン
Astronomer Hotline(天文学者ホットライン)
男: Hello, Emergency Astronomer Hotline. How would you describe the lights?
電話の相手: I don't know! Help!
男: Stay calm. Is it day? If so, that's the sun.
(落ち着いてください。昼間ですか?もしそうなら、太陽です。)電話の相手: No, the sun set and then the light appeared!
男: Hmm, could be stars. Are they stationary?
電話の相手: No, they're all zipping around bushes.
(いや、いや、茂みの周りをグルグル回っているんだ。)男: Aha! Fireflies!
電話の相手: "Fireflies"?
男: Lightning bugs. Tree blinkers. Ground stars.
男: They're fine.
電話の相手: Phew!
(ふぅ)男: We don't know much about them as they're too fast for our telescopes, but I can transfer you to the Weird Bug Hotline.
(私たちが使う望遠鏡には早すぎてよくわかりません。でも、変な虫ホットラインに転送します。)電話の相手: Sure, thanks.
(切り替え音)変な虫ホットライン: Hi, Weird Bug Hotline. Is it currently biting you?
(こんにちは。変な虫ホットラインです。今、噛まれているんですか?)Alt-text: Employment statistics have to correct for the fact that the Weird Bug Hotline hires a bunch of extra temporary staff every 17 years.