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Goofs - 意図しないエラー



Goofs (78)

The space detective's office is on Chestnut Ave, but Lower Manhattan has no street by that name. Agent Glennifer pursues the cybernetic dog onto what is clearly Ludlow Street.

The agents destroy the blimp drones in Union Square with harpoons from a store display rack. The nearest harpoon store is several blocks away and has no outdoor displays.

The apartment in the background of the hologram kissing scene actually exists in downtown Vancouver. We called the owners, who confirmed they had no residents named ...

Sometimes the IMDB "Goofs" section really seems to struggle with the whole premise of fiction.

Alt-text: The film is set in 2018, but when Commander Bremberly chases the hologram through Times Square, there's a billboard for Avengers: Age of Ultron. Depending on the date, that billboard would have been advertising either Infinity War or this movie.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Angular Diameter Turnaround - 角直径の転換


Angular Diameter Turnaround(角直径の転換)

Angular Diameter Turnaround
Illustrated using phones instead of galaxies
(Brightness and redshift adjusted to keep phones visible)
Things that are far away look smaller, but things that are really far away look bigger, because when their light was emitted, the universe was small and they were close to us.

Alt-text: Thank you to Katie Mack for teaching me about this effect, and to Janelle Shane for describing redshifts as 'like galaxies sinking into a pool of dilute blood,' which is how I'll see them from now on.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Mainly Known For - 主に知られていること


Mainly Known For(主に知られていること)

女: ...And her dad looks exactly like the Pixar guy. Steve what's-his-name? Jobs?
男: "Pixar guy"?
男: You always know famous people for such weird reasons.
女: What do you mean?
男: Who is John Lennon?
女: Wasn't he in a band? With Ringo from Shining Time Station.
男: How is that your main association?

女: I also know he once did a song with the guy from Labyrinth!
男: You mean David Bowie? I think he's famous for some other stuff, too.

女: Oh yeah, he was also in Zoolander!
女: I forgot that movie, it came out back when Jenna Bush's dad was president.
 (あの映画忘れてた。ジェンナ・ブッシュのパパが 大統領だった頃の映画よ)

男: *SIGH*

Alt-text: Oh sure, I know Keira Knightly, from the first movie in that series by The Land Before Time producer. You know, the franchise with the guy from Jurassic Park and Ghostwriter, and script work by Billie Lourd's mom?


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Health Data - 健康データ


Health Data(健康データ)

ポニーテール: I'm taking a look at your numbers, and it doesn't look good.
ポニーテール: You have a lot of measurements. Quite a few variables.

男: Is that... bad?
ポニーテール: Variables are the #1 risk factor for outcomes.
ポニーテール: The past is a big contributor to the future.

男: Isn't that just causality?
ポニーテール: Causality is the leading cause of death in this country.
男: So what are my odds?
ポニーテール: Do you have a family history?
男: Of what?
ポニーテール: Just, in general.
男: ...Yes?
ポニーテール: Oh no.

Alt-text: Donate now to help us find a cure for causality. No one should have to suffer through events because of other events.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。

Crêpe - クレープ



男: Check out this crêpe I made!
女: Weird circumflex, but okay.

Alt-text: A medicine that makes you put two dots over your letters more often is a diäretic.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2022年) です。