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Code Lifespan - コードの寿命


Code Lifespan(コードの寿命)

ポニーテール: It took some extra work to build, but now we'll be able to use it for all our future projects.

How to ensure your code is never reused

ポニーテール: Let's not overthink it; if this code is still in use that far in the future, we'll have bigger problems.

How to ensure your code lives forever

Alt-text: Surely (no one/everyone) will (recognize how flexible and useful this architecture is/spend a huge amount of effort painstakingly preserving and updating this garbage I wrote in 20 minutes)


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Planet Killer Comet Margarita - 惑星キラー・彗星マルガリータ


Planet Killer Comet Margarita(惑星キラー・彗星マルガリータ)

The Planet Killer Comet Ice Margarita

4,000 oil tankers full of tequila
1,000 tankers full of orange liqueur
1,000 tankers full of agave
The juice from 20 trillion limes
One comet nucleus

(1) Drain Lake Mead, combine ingredients behind Hoover Dam
(2) Detonate comet using Bruce Willis's drilling rig from Armageddon (1998)
(3) Dispense drink through Hoover Dam turbines

Alt-text: I'll take mine on the rocks, no ice.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Lane Change Highway - 車線変更ハイウェイ


Lane Change Highway(車線変更ハイウェイ)

I got fired from my traffic engineering job for building a highway where you could only travel by lane changes.

Alt-text: I just think lane markers should follow the local magnetic declination.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Runtime - ランタイム



白ハット: You should keep watching! After the first season it gets really good.
男: Oh yeah, I've heard that!

白ハット: You should keep watching! After the first 8 movies, they get really good.
男: Haha, what? I'm not going to sit through eight bad movies!

It's weird how it's way more normal and socially acceptable to suggest someone spend 10-15 hours watching something when it's TV rather than movies.

Alt-text: At least there's a general understanding all around that Doctor Who is its own thing.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Methodology Trial - 方法論試験


Methodology Trial(方法論試験)

男: However, we see clear evidence that the treatment is more effective than the placebo for some subgroups.

欄外の声: Thank you.
欄外の声: However, we can now reveal that the London team was studying the real treatment. Both groups in your study got a placebo.

男: Aw, maaan...

Researchers hate it when you do placebo controlled trials of their methodology.

Alt-text: If you think THAT'S unethical, you should see the stuff we approved via our Placebo IRB.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。