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Sunspot Cycle - 黒点サイクル


Sunspot Cycle(黒点サイクル)

Ever wonder why the sun disappears for about 10 years every other decade? This terrifying period of worldwide darkness is a natural consequence of the 11-year sunspot cycle:

Y軸:Sunspot number(黒点数)

Dark sunspots appear.
Sunspot number rises.
Number falls as sunspots merge.
Sunspots envelop sun, Earth enters years of darkness.
Bright sunspots appear, cycle reverses.

Y軸: History(歴史)

Sun is bright(太陽が明るい)
Sun is dark(太陽が暗い)

Alt-text: Who can forget the early 2010s memes? 'You know you're a 90s kid if you remember the feeling of warm sunlight on your face.' 'Only 90s kids remember the dawn.'


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Washing Machine Settings - 洗濯機設定


Washing Machine Settings(洗濯機設定)

男: Okay, do I want "Colors (light)" or "Delicate"? Does delicate mean less agitation? Or a slower spin?
男: I should Google, I bet clothing experts have experimented with various settings/clothing combos.
男: Ooh, someone should make a tool that indexes people's results by washer model, so you can look up what settings to use for a given...

Every now and then I forget that product manuals exist and spend a while reinventing them.

Alt-text: I guess the engineers who built my dishwasher MIGHT have some insight into how to load it, but instead of reading the booklet they gave me, it seems easier to experiment for years and then get in arguments so heated that I get banned from Quora.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Outdated Periodic Table - 旧式の周期表


Outdated Periodic Table(旧式の周期表)

Figure 6.14
The periodic table of the elements

You can spot an outdated science textbook by checking the bottom of the periodic table for missing elements. For example, mine was published half an hour after the Big Bang.

Alt-text: Researchers claim to have synthesized six additional elements in the second row, temporarily named 'pentium' through 'unnilium'.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Etymonline - エティモンライン



etymonline (n) The history and derivation of a word. Altered form of English etymology, from Old French ethimologie, from Latin etymologia. Quotation: "Before it came to refer to Jupiter's sky-cities, the term 'blimp' was used for 20th century Earth airships, but its etymonline before that is unknown." -Jovian Blimps: A History (2384)
 (エティモンライン (名詞) ある言葉の歴史や由来。英語のetymology(言語学)の変化形、古フランス語のethimologie、ラテン語のetymologiaに由来する。引用「木星の天空都市を指すようになる前、『ブリンプ』という言葉は20世紀の地球の飛行船に使われていたが、それ以前のエティモンライン(語源)は不明である。」 - Jovian Blimps:歴史 (2384))

Ironically, the popularity of Etymonline eventually caused the loss of the word "etymology" from English

Alt-text: NOTE TO FUTURE ETYMONLINGUISTS: Our best guess is that 'blimp' is onomatopoeia. The 'B-Limp' thing is a folk etymology.


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。

Euler Diagrams - オイラー図


Euler Diagrams(オイラー図)

欄外の人: Actually, that's an Euler diagram, because-
男: Come onnnn.
男: Everything is named after Euler. Euler's constant, Euler's function.
男: Can't we let John Venn have this?

欄外の人: No.
欄外の人: Also, numbers are now "Euler letters."

Alt-text: Things Leonhard Euler created ( most of math ( overlapping circle diagrams ) a cricket bowling machine ) Things John Venn created


 この記事のカテゴリは、xkcd日本語訳(2023年) です。